Saturday, April 07, 2012

Adding Land to Shiloh: 'It's Important'

Land purchased. Official government support. No, not Shiloh here in Benjamin Regional Coucil territory, beyond the Green Line. In the United States. Tennessee, actually. Here:
More than 250 acres has been added to the Shiloh National Military Park after a Hardin County tract was donated. The Civil War Trust bought 267 acres 6 miles southwest of the main battlefield. The tract is known as Fallen Timbers and it is where Federal and Confederate troops fought the final hours of the Battle of Shiloh. The Jackson Sun reported the formal donation was made Thursday during a ceremony at Pickwick Landing State Park. Among participants in the ceremony was Gov. Bill Haslam. “Shiloh is important,” Haslam said. “Shiloh changed the way the nation would view how long it would take to fight the Civil War, which lasted another three years.”
How lucky they are. No international protest. No bad media. No International Court of Justice. No Geneva Convention. ^

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