Friday, March 28, 2014

EU Opposes Compromise and Coexistence

Haaretz's Amira Hass is reporting:

You should know that anti-YESHA jounralists feed material and conceptualizations to their fellow foreign media journalists, are invited to present to the EU, then gey extra chummy with these younger EU people who then feed it all up the cycle, then our own publish and thus assure that the story - and its desired conclusion - keeps moving along.

The news:

A March 18 internal report to Brussels raises caution around the changing status quo at the holy site and the growing tension triggered by the demands of right-wing Jewish groups.

It states:

“There remains a significant risk that incidents at this highly sensitive site, or perceived threats to the status quo, may spark extreme reactions locally as well as across the Arab and Muslim world, and have the potential to derail the peace negotiations,” according to the report, which was obtained by Haaretz.


It was handed over to them to generate media noise.

...The EU delegates also sound the alarm about the idea of dividing the Temple Mount and allocating separate prayer times for each religion, as was done at Hebron’s Cave of the Patriarchs, known by Muslims as the Ibrahimi Mosque.

"Alarm"?  Why warn?  What's wrong with coexistence?  Sharing?

And why should that be a problem for the EU that they should oppose it?  Why get involved?  Does the EU not want mutual respect, religious freedom, justice?

One positive note:

The report contains an implicit criticism of the tendency by Muslim religious authorities and Palestinian politicians to deny the historic affiliation Jews have to the Temple Mount.

"Tendency"?  The Waqf is an institution of implacable fanaticism, extreme intolerance as well as anti-Semitism and disinventivity:

The Palestinian Authority Minister of Religious Affairs Mahmoud Al-Habbash and the former Chief Justice of the PA's Religious Court both recently declared that the PA's Islamic belief and political position is that Jews are prohibited from praying at the Western Wall of the Temple Mount. Palestinian Media Watch has documented that the PA denies Israel's history and rights in Jerusalem, but these statements by top religious leaders go even further.  The PA claims that the area of the Muslim holy site, the Al-Aqsa Mosque, includes not only the mosque itself, but extends over the entire Temple Mount and includes Judaism's holy site - the Western Wall.

But there's this, too:

The report makes the same recommendations it has made in previous years...It also urges close supervision over the Temple Mount...

Who/what is the EU to make recommendations? 

Mr. Netanyahu?  Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu?  Can we hear from you? Or even from the Foreign Minister.  Even the Minister for Religious Services.  A Chief Rabbi, or two.



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