Friday, March 28, 2014

Burston's Hellish Special Hell

Bradley Burston has a blog at Haaretz:


Well, he surely does have a special place in hell.

Back on January 6, 2011, he published:

His point is that when the Messiah comes, the Right will crucify him. Im Tirzu will roll out ads and billboards showing him with a tail to go along with his horns.


...When the Messiah comes, he will be questioned by a junior officer of the Shin Bet, and by an official of the Interior Ministry, who got his job through his cousin, who is an inspector of ritual dietary observance at a cookie bakery and who got his job through his sister's father-in-law, third assistant to the deputy chair of the Shas party branch in Ramla.

...His donkey, which is white and is named Snowpea, will be impounded in a leaky underground police lot near the Lod railroad station. There will be no paperwork. By nightfall it will have disappeared, spirited into a closed truck by the lot's watchman, who after his shift will drive the donkey to a moshav. Money will change hands, and the donkey as well, four times, until it is sold by settlers to Palestinians some of whose ancestral land now lies inside the settlement fence.

...When the Messiah comes, rabbis will treat him like Jesus.  They will brand him disloyal, diseased, Reform...chief rabbis of cities and towns will warn of an existential threat to the essential Jewish character of the state...The rabbis' wives will vilify him as a carnal threat to Jewish girls.

...When the Messiah comes, the Right will crucify him. Im Tirzu will roll out ads and billboards showing him with a tail to go along with his horns. A blogger from Commentary will call him a whiny, petulant boob. In Maariv and the Jerusalem Post, seven columnists will all have at him in the same three day period. NGO Monitor will ask for donations to expose his sources of funding.

...When the Messiah comes, he will be granted refugee status by the United Nations as a legitimate seeker of asylum, but will be held at a detention camp in Israel's Area 51...By the time the messiah leaves the Jewish state, he'll be thrilled to go.

Is Bradley in hell?

Or just hellish?

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