Monday, March 04, 2013

Low-Intensity Conflict Report #71 - March 1, 2013

Report on security issues February 22-March 1, 2013

These reports are translated and publicized byYehudit Tayar for Hatzalah Yehudah and Shomron with the clearance and confirmation of the IDF.  Hatzalah Yehudah and Shomron is a voluntary emergency medical organization with over 500 volunteer doctors, paramedics, medics who are on call 24/7 and work along with the IDF, 669 IAF Airborn Rescue, the security officers and personal throughout Yesha and the Jordan Valley, and with MDA.

We, the volunteers of Hatzalah Yehudah and Shomron go out to rescue anyone who needs our emergency medical assistance; including civilians, military and Arabs also those within the PA territories. (with IDF presence) To us a life is precious and we go out at risk leaving home and family or stopping on the road to rescue anyone in need.

2 IDF officers and 6 IDF soldiers and a policeman were injured from rock attacks:
1 IDF soldier injured in Hevron near Bet Hadassah
1 IDF soldier injured in his face near Bet Umar
1 IDF Company Officer  injured in his leg in Bet Umar
1 policeman injured in his leg in Issowiya
1 IDF soldier injured in his face at Bet Umar
IDF Deputy Company Officer and IDF soldier injured in Bodrous
IDF  soldier injured in his arm in El Fuar
IDF soldier injured in his eye at the Taxi Junction near A'Ram

2 Adults and an infant were injured on Gilad Road
1 Female Israeli injured on Gilad Road
5 year old child injured in Husan Bypass
1 injured in Sdei Kelev
Security co-ordinator of Mevo Dotan injured
All of the injuries were moderate ones but do not forget that rocks are lethal weapons and are aimed to kill and innocent people have been seriously injured and murdered by rocks. 
At least 36 Molotov Cocktails were thrown:
Calandia checkpost- 2
Kever Rachel -1
Near Einav at IDF force -3
Near Telem at Border Police force -3
Abu Dis at Border Police force -3
Bir Zeit pillbox  set fire to a solar container  by -1 Molotov thrown on it
Bitunia – several thrown on security forces
Between Dotan and Hermesh at IDF vehicle -1
Police checkpost Hevron -3
Bet Hadassah -1
Betunia -2
Jerusalem bypass road at Border Patrol -5
Highway 443 car attacked -2
Tunnel Road Security Force attacked -1
Dir Abu Ishal -1
Ma'aleh Hever Israeli vehicle attacked -1
Karnei Shomron Security Fence -2
Bet Umar IDF force -2
At least 8 improvised hand grenades were thrown at Kever Rachel
An improvised explosive device was thrown at Security vehicle at Silwan.

There were scores of rock attacks some of them blamed on the death of the Arab terrorist Arafat Gradat in Megido Prison.  Let us not forget that the rock attacks occur daily.

Rocks attacks:

Near Esh Kodesh , Kadum, Tourmous Aya, Several areas in Hevron,Bet Anun,Bet Umar,Halhul Bridge,Azun,Near A'Ram,Hawara,Near el Hadar,Near Shilo,Kever Rachel,Near Havla,Betunia,Gilad Road,Anata,Pundok,Near Ofra,El Arub,Postman Junction,Lubin A'Shrakia,Near Tekoa,T-Junction and Hirbat Adir,Yitzhar Junction,Near Kalil,El Fuar,Bodrous,Marda,Husan Bypass,Sdei Kelev,Zif Junction, Betilo, Itamar, Near Einav, Near Hermesh, Aduraim Junction, Tekoa- har Homa Highway, Near Sussia, Near Otzsrin, Near Neve Yair, Na'alin, Northern entrance to Efrat, Near Ariel, Betit Junction. 

M75 rocket fired from Gaza to the Industrial Area of Ashkelon.

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