Monday, March 04, 2013

Free Pollard Moves into High Gear


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this afternoon (Monday, 4 March 2013), met with Esther Pollard, wife of Jonathan Pollard. Former US Assistant Secretary of Defense Lawrence Korb and Effie Lahav, head of the Committee to Free Jonathan Pollard, also attended the meeting.
At the start of the meeting, Prime Minister Netanyahu said, "The time has long since come for Jonathan to go free. This issue will come up during President Obama's visit. It has already been raised countless times by myself and others, and the time has come for him to go free."

A 1989 oped of mine on Jonathan Pollard.

Another of my opeds on Jonathan Pollard.

Geulah Cohen relates how we started the Pollard Lobby in the Knesset.


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