Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Machpelah House Location

I am fairly sure the house that was emptied of its Jewish residents today, who underwent an expulsion, is marked 1 and encircled in purple.  I do not think it is the one encircled in blue and numbered 2:-

The Machpelah Cave of the Patriarchs is noted by the arrow as A.

Thanks to Google Map.

Barak's statement:

Statement by DM Barak

Communicated by Josh Hantman, MOD International Media Adviser

This afternoon (Wednesday), 4.4.12, the Israel Police evacuated the settlers who had inhabited the "Patriarch House" in Hebron. The evacuation was carried out on the orders of Defense Minister Ehud Barak. Defense Minister Barak said afterwards: "I will continue to act in order to maintain the rule of law and democracy while guaranteeing the authority of the State over its citizens."

Defense Minster Barak added that "Any request to acquire the relevant buying permit or any other transactions will be dealt with professionally and impartially, as is the practice. However, we can not allow a situation where unlawful actions are taken to determine or dictate ad-hoc facts to the authorities."


An aerial view from the Hebron Community:



  1. He has got to go!! Pity the Israelis picked the lame voting method of proportional representation. :((

  2. Barak is either being disingenuous or a liar.

    He would never have approved a permit for the Beit Machepela.

    But only in Israel does one need the Defense Minister's permission to move into a home, install an additional room, put in a toilet, erect an awning or repair a roof.

    "Rule of law?" He has to be kidding! No dictator ever exercised the kind of unaccountable and undemocratic power Barak wields over the Jews of Judea and Samaria!
