Wednesday, April 04, 2012

How The Other Side Thinks

I found this at this Arab-language newspaper site on occasion of Land Day:

القدس تعود كما كانت قضية مركزية للشعوب العربية والإسلامية وإن غابت عن حكامهم ولكن القدس تحتاج أبنائها المخلصين لا الحكام والسياسيين بنهجهم العقيم عبر عقود من تدنيس أرضها بمحتل اغتصبها أمام أعين الحكام العرب وجيوشهم التي تقهقرت أمام عصابات الاحتلال الإجرامية.

And it translates via Google like this with some of my editing:
The Return to Jerusalem was a central issue for the Arab and Islamic peoples, although it was absent from their rulers.  But Jerusalem...suffered decades of desecration due to the occupation and rape of the land while Arab rulers and their armies retreated before the criminal gangs of the occupation.

It's nice to know that the other side present reasoned and rational opinions.

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