Wednesday, January 13, 2010

No One in the NYTimes Can Get It Fully Right

David Brooks waxes glowingly over Israel's economy but pulls up short and sticks this in:

Israel’s technological success is the fruition of the Zionist dream. The country was not founded so stray settlers could sit among thousands of angry Palestinians in Hebron. It was founded so Jews would have a safe place to come together and create things for the world.


a) actually, the country was founded in the first place by those "stray settlers" who, over centuries, trickled in to the country that was occupied by foreign domination, despite bans and prohibition and restrictions on immigration, land purchasing and developing, not to speak of persecution;

b) moreover, Jews had been in Hebron, as in Jerusalem, Tiberias and Safad, continuously for almost the entire period of 1800 years, with breaks, since Jews lost political independence. It was "stray Arabs" who marched in, conquered and took over a Jewish town which only became holy to them in the 7th century;

c) being in Hebron makes that town safer and protects Jews in Tel Aviv, Raanana and Netanya;

d) "Palestinians"? Who are they?

(Kippah tip: DS)


Unknown said...

With an Iranian threat the Israelis can still work remotely and still control their land. The amazing thing about smarts, which is something I think Brooks might not have, is that you can be anywhere, through social networks (and no I don't mean facebook and twitter, I mean real social networks like Judaism) keep you together. Israel is just about security, but even with the loss of security Jews can still innovate... and always will.

in his ideas and loyalties. David Brooks reveals a lot about your desire to see the Jewish community fragment and perhaps we should now understand that he is libidinally inclined to wish Jewish failure... it has nothing to do with Israel. David Brooks is threatened by Jews

also as mentioned by

"Brooks discounts the role that military necessity has played in forcing Israel to develop technologies that have military applications"

Unknown said...

correction "not your desire"... "David Brook's" desire. I really don't like Brooks at all. I am very tired of his charade of pseudo Libertarianism. He has irked me for a while. My family unfortunately forces me to watch PBS and we have a subscription to the NYTimes, but frankly... I would be better off without it. I'm not sure the Times is even remotely reflective of any grasp of reality. the Times isn't really mainstream liberalism or progressivism anymore. they merely have a vile agenda and masquerade behind whatever fiscal fashion of the season. I'd say it was time to bury the Times as being a paper of good repute, but at this juncture we've already dug up the bones of the silly paper again repeatedly. why do we care?

YMedad said...

To Anon:

I've stopped long ago, so long ago that I can't even recall oppressing them in the first place. Do you think a bit of foul language solves your mental problems, lad? You have a problem pulling on your own?

mr jack said...

your israeli PR stunts are backfiring, as well as you resolve to continue on in a land where as usual, your way of life is your ending stage. israel a totally unproductive landfill society, like you