Thursday, December 24, 2009

Look Who Is Coming to Town

The Jewish Historical Society of England Israel Branch

Thursday, 31 December

Professor David Cesarani, OBE

"Britain's War on Terror in Palestine, Europe and the United Kingdom (1945-48),
and its impact on British Jewry"

On Ussishkin Street in Jerusalem there is a plaque commemorating the abduction in May 1947 of Alexander Rubowitz, a young activist in LEHI. The boy was never seen again and the British security forces were accused of his murder. This talk will explore a scandalous chapter in Britain’s war against the Jews in Palestine and suggest reasons why its counter-insurgency strategy failed. It will also look at the efforts of the Irgun and LEHI to strike at British targets in Europe and the UK, and the greater success of MI5 in deflecting these attacks. Finally it will examine the impact that this ‘war on terror’ had on Jews in Britain at the time.

The meeting will commence at 7:45 pm and take place in

Beit Avi Chai, Rechov King George 44, Jerusalem

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