Thursday, December 24, 2009

J Street Jams Up


MJ Rosenberg goes ballistic:

The ultra-Orthodox Jewish far right really is intimidated by J Street.

Check out this limp hit by Lenny Ben David, the West Bank settler who has been tasked with smearing J Street by investigating its donors. Lenny, who was sent packing by AIPAC after 25 years, now sits in his settlement working to bring down the organization (J Street) that hugely irritates the people who let him go. Weird.

But Lenny is like an old Stasi-type guy.

Lenny hasn't contacted me yet but he must be laughing. MJ, the most fascistic of the left radical camp, seems to be typically paranoid to use such language.

He sounds like one of those Meah Shearim 'zebras' [Toldot Aharon Hassidim] calling out 'Nazi' to Israeli police.

Oh, and Lenny, trust me, is definitely not "ultra-orthodox".


Go here for more. And the comments.


Remarks by Israel's ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren, against the liberal Jewish lobby J Street were "most unfortunate" according to Hannah Rosenthal, head of the U.S. administration's Office to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism.

In an interview with Haaretz in Jerusalem, where Rosenthal was the administration's envoy to the Foreign Ministry's Global Forum for Combating Anti-Semitism, Rosenthal, who once served on J street's board of directors, said she opposes blurring the lines between anti-Semitism and criticism of Israel.

"It is not 1939," she said. "We have the state of Israel. We have laws in countries that are holding people accountable."

When Ambassador Michael Oren turned down J Street's request to be keynote speaker at its first annual conference, and chose not to attend, debate over the group, already intense in the American Jewish community, reached as far as Jerusalem.

Gee, I didn't know an ambassador could be criticized by an appointed official like that. Is that proper diplomatic protocol?



See here for this and more:

Major Jewish organizations on Thursday blasted an Obama administration diplomat with connections to J Street for criticizing Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren in a newspaper interview.

..."I was surprised to see an official of the American government commenting on the positions taken by Ambassador Oren," said Alan Solow, who is a long-time supporter of US President Barack Obama, is considered close to the administration, and is the chairman of the New York-based Conference of Presidents.

Rosenthal's comments "go beyond her responsibilities," he said, and reflected only her "personal feelings."

(Kippah tip: Solomonia)


  1. Isn't typical that Osama picks an intermarried Jewess to be his antisemtism expert. Why not a yored or a kapo

  2. actually, i was informed by a local reporter last time I commented on Rosenthal that he husband is Jewish

  3. She is married to Richard J. Phelps, KSG graduate, and a former three term Dane County executive, and a devout Christian.
    from wiki

  4. I received this:


    From a reporter in Wisconsin:

    Yes he is. Best, JN

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Yisrael Medad
    Sent: Fri 11/27/2009 3:39 AM
    To: John Nichols
    Subject: Fact Check re: Rick Phelps

    Is the former husband of Hannah Rosenthal Jewish?
