Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Early Sabotaging of Zionism

Zionism always had its detractors. Every social or political movement does. And the identity of those who disagree can be from any group, even Jews.Here is one example I found of someone who was himself a Zionist, Norman Bentwich. 

He attended Zionist Congresses even before the Balfour Declaration and visited Palestine in 1908.

He eventually became a member of Brit Shalom. He was the British-appointed attorney-general of Mandatory Palestine. However, being Jewish and pro-Zionist was a liability:
In August 1931 his appointment as Attorney-General was terminated by the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, who cited "the peculiar racial and political conditions of Palestine, and the difficulties with which the Administration has in consequence to bear."

In November 1929, Bentwich was shot in the thigh by a 17-year-old Arab employee of the Palestine Police. His assailant was sentenced to 15 years hard labour, despite Bentwich personally advocating for him.
But even before, his Zionism was extremely moderate as this section I extract from the 1920 Palin Report on the April 1920 Jerusalem Riot on his evidence as Lieut. Colonel Bentwich, Senior Judicial Officer of the Administration. 
Lieut. Colonel Bentwich is an English Jew and an ardent and convinced Zionist, and he impressed the Court as being a most fair minded and reliable witness. This is what he says "I don't think there has been a general bias. There have been one or two cases of officers in the Administration who had - Colonel Gabriel had, and one or two others were anti-Jewish. These officers have been dealt with. I think the Jews are a little out to seek offence. They are too sensitive and ready to take offence and there is action and re-action accordingly. The Jews regarded the declaration of 1917 as something which was to be fulfilled immediately and have been worried and disappointed by the delay. I think also there has been too much ostentation and demonstration irritating to the populace." This evidence deserves the profoundest consideration for it really sums up the whole matter.
That populace is, I can assume, the Arabs.

Think about that. The Arabs had been demonstrating and attacking Jews since the end of February, had killed eight Jews at Tel Hai. During Passover, they rioted and in the pogrom killed 7 more Jews and injuring over one hundred.

But Jews take offense too readily and are too sensitive.

And Jews are irritating and ostentatious.



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