Friday, August 09, 2019

A 'Who Said' Quiz

Who said:

We do not believe that there should be a Palestinian nation between Israel and Jordan and some Arabs agree with us privately. The Palestinian entity should have a tie to Jordan so that the radicals cannot build a disruptive military force. 



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  1. Tuvia Tenenbom
    [a secular Israeli author] said:

    “Outside of the Orthodox community,
    where Jews are proud to be Jews,
    and are observing Jewish Law...

    In state-after-state, temple-after-temple,
    what I saw and what I witnessed was a nightmare:

    You see [non-Orthodox] Rabbis, so-called
    Rabbis, leaders, supposedly leaders,
    standing at a podium, and all they can
    tell to their listeners, is that Israel is
    an apartheid state, and that Judaism is racist.

    That is what they preach, over
    and over and over and over again...”

    SOURCE: Shocking Tuvia
    Tenenbom Interview Tells Truth
    about Reform & Conservative Jews

    a YouTube video/published on 2017 July 17


    from JNS dot org:

    “Under the Trump administration, the United States
    argued that UNRWA [United Nations Relief
    and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees]
    has perpetuated, rather than helped, end the
    Israeli-Palestinian conflict, by extending refugee
    status to the children, grandchildren and great-
    grandchildren of those who fled Israel during
    the establishment of the Jewish state in 1948.”

    SOURCE: UNRWA Leaders Accused
    of Sexual Misconduct, Ethics Violations


    Anthony Abma said:

    “Appeasement [of evil] is not only nearsighted,
    but dangerously addictive. It induces short-term
    high that acts as a justification for ignoring
    the consequences future generations must face.

    The intoxication of appeasement has blinded
    even some of the most senior Israeli officials.”

    Time to stop feeding the crocodiles
    2019 August 1

  2. Joe in AustraliaFri Aug 09, 07:02:00 AM

    Huh. Honestly, I wouldn't have guessed.
