Thursday, January 24, 2019

Aliyah is... Exceptional

No, not "exceptional" in a positive sense of uniqueness. But more like distinct and not belonging to all in a negative sense.

Aliyah, as a term, is too unique and actually, through language, assuming a right - in this case, an exclusive sense of sovereignty and rule over a national homeland - that denies others similar rights to the same territory.  Jews simply migrated.

Here, from Twitter:

In an interview, Dr. Sara Hirschhorn was quote saying

"I don’t like using the terminology of “Aliyah” which in and of itself connotes a kind of exceptionalism"

I tweeted:

Have I misunderstood "exceptionalism"?

And added:

"Thus say Cyrus king of Persia..Whosoever there is among you of all His people...let him go up" וְיָעַלExceptional because no other people use that term?

And she responded:

I don't use the word aliyah in my academic work either -- generally scholars use 'immigration' although I actually wrote an article about reconceptualizing aliya as "ethnic return migration" -- I've been really interested new ways to theorize aliya

I countered:

Repatriation works if you want more than 10 letters.

And then, after a day, I added:

I got it:The Right of Return.

The dangers of academia talk are multiple. ^

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