Saturday, November 25, 2017

The Guardian Wipes Out Jewish Gaza

In a story on Gaza, which, by the way notes that Gaza is but 40th in a 2014 rank of most densely populated cities worldwide, also informs the reader that

Gaza City, famed for its port, is more than 5,000 years old. Over centuries various empires between the Nile River and Middle East – Philistines, Egyptians, Assyrians, Persians, Alexander the Great, Romans, Byzantines, Moguls, Ottomans, among others – ruled Gaza

While, on the one hand, at least Israel isn't accused of occupying Gaza in centuries ago, Gaza was part of the Land of Israel and even part of the Mandate territory to become the Jewish national home.

Let's be clear, the Jewish connection to Gaza, in various forms and over many centuries, was strong. Up until 1929, when a small community of Jews there were expelled by Arab terrorist pogroms and later, when Kfar Darom was overrun in 1948.

The territory that the tribe of Judah received after the Israelites entered the Land included Gaza (Joshua 15.47), yet they failed to occupy this area at that time (Joshua 13.3)...Gaza was conquered by King David about 1000 BCE. His son Salomon ruled over Gaza (I Kings 5.4), but its population seemed to remain Philistine. The Northern kingdom controlled Gaza after the United Kingdom was divided. 


The city was subsequently attacked and reconquered by Jonathan the Hasmonean during 145 BCE (1 Macc. 11:61-62). 
During the Hasmonean civil war, the city was taken by Alexander Janneaeus in 96 BCE. The Roman Pomey restored the city and Galbinus, also a Roman official, rebuilt the city (circa 57 BCE). 
King Herod the Great held the city for a short time, but after his death, it came under the authority of the Roman proconsul of Syria.

A synagogue existed there 1500 years ago

Whether Jews ruled the area and just resided there, wiping out the Jewishness of the territory is not proper journalism.


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