Sunday, November 26, 2017

Haaretz and the Balfour Declaration

If I had the time, one way to spend it would be to review in depth the Haaretz line-up this year for the centenary of the Balfour Declaration, and even include some from previous years, to show the paper's utter contempt for Zionism.

Take for example, this op-ed which bemoans

the racism of the British government 100 years ago, which disturbingly, continues to reverberate in the conflict to this day.

and that

The British government’s interest in the weapon of supposed Jewish power far outweighed their concern with the future of Zionism in the Holy Land.They did not engage in any wartime planning regarding the development of "a national home for the Jewish people." 


the Cabinet had no intention of giving Judaea to the Jews

British Orientalists saw the Palestinian population, instead, as an impure mix of different races, who were not 'authentic', 'racial' Arabs. This was why the Declaration invoked the phrase "non-Jewish communities" to describe the Arabs who constituted approximately 90% of the population.

If Ken Livingston and crew accuse Zionism of collaborating/cooperating with Nazism, well this predates Zionism's "sins".

In an earlier article, four years ago, the author, James Renton, a Senior Lecturer in History at Edge Hill University whose lectures  have been sponsored by anti-Zionists, wrote in Haaretz that

the Balfour Declaration of 1917 was based on miscalculations, anti-Semitism and propaganda

Some of the other articles this year included

(which uncritically quotes a Gazan Arab saying: 
The Jewish people took their rights after Hitler 
committed massacres against them...
Britain gave our lands to the Israelis 
and they never cared to give us our rights.")

Oh, there were some good ones.  Here. Here. And here. Even here.

The paper, however, was negatively overloaded, and I am not inclduing the "news" stories on the events and how they spun out.

Zionist history, a la Haaretz.


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