Thursday, February 02, 2017

Wondering About NYTimes Terminology

I wondered after reading this in the New York Times:

“Altogether, we are moving on a very good vector. We are close to half a million people in Judea and Samaria,” said Shilo Adler, the head of the Yesha Council advocacy group, using biblical names for the West Bank."

if, when the NYT quotes someone who says "in the West Bank", it will add

"using the 1950 terminology of Jordan when it illegally annexed the region"


1 comment:

  1. You can stop wondering... Adding "using the 1950 terminology of Jordan when it illegally annexed the region" when someone says "in the West Bank" isn't going to happen!... It doesn't fit the story line the echo chamber wants to promote!...

    G_d forbid the "optics" would be influenced!...
