Wednesday, January 25, 2017

On the Issue of Status Quo

Moslems Violate Status Quo at Wailing Wall; Jerusalem Jews Protest to Government

November 22, 1928Jerusalem (Nov. 21)

The Jews of Jerusalem filed another solemn protest with the District Commissioner of the Holy City and were given new assurances of a further investigation as steps taken by the Moslem Supreme Council were clearly seen as a violation of the status quo of the Jewish Holy Site.

A hospice has been established by the Moslems in the house adjacent to the Wailing Wall, and they are establishing a Home for the Aged in another house nearby. In addition a Muedzin appears on the roof of a house adjacent to that corner of the Wall where on Saturday the Aron Kodesh, the Ark containing the Holy Scrolls’ is placed. The Muedzin comes out five times daily to call Moslems to prayer.

Mohamed Ali, famous Indian Moslem leader, arrived in Jerusalem today. Some political significance was ascribed to his visit, in connection with the Wailing Wall agitation, and the government of Palestine was somewhat hesitant about admitting him to the country. The demand for granting him a visa was pressed by the Moslem Supreme Council which argued that the government should permit Mohamed Ali to enter the country, since it permitted Vladimir Jabotinsky to do so.


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