Monday, November 21, 2016

A Thought of Hypocrisy From Standing Rock

Let me get this straight. (updates below and now also a follow-up)

One of the reasons for demonstrations at Backwater Bridge, where most prominently Indians are protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline project, is that the the pipeline’s impacts to sacred sites and culturally important landscapes to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe are being ignored?

Also, pro-"Palestine" activists are there, too.  Here's a banner there, photographed by Haithem El-Zabri:

and the flag-waving:

and there are Jews there as well.

And Jews who are quite pro-"Palestine":-

I have no principled opposition to this.

I just want to ask:

when Jews claim they are discriminated against and have lost legal rights at their "sacred site" and their "holy place", where are all these liberal, radical and progressive Jews?

That a rock upon which stood the most sacred of Jewish religious locations is off-limits and prohibited from being viewed by a Jew who openly identifies as such and the area of that rock, within the Temple Mount compound, is being treated in quite an unsupervised fashion with damage being done to the site, then the first word that come to mind is: hypocrisy.



I left a comment here, at this blog:

If any native Americans are reading this, please note: between 1920 and 1948, almost 20,000 Jews who had been living in those areas which became known as the "West Bank" (a term that was created only in 1950 when the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan illegally occupied the area that was to become the Arab State of Palestine as declared by the United Nations in 1947) but historically known for over 2500 years as Judea and Samaria, where subjected to an Arab-initiated and instigated ethnic cleansing campaign. It was carried out violently including riots, pogroms, rape, murder, banditry, destruction of property and terror. Jews who had been living in some locations, such as Hebron, Gaza and the Old City of Jerusalem, were attacked and those who survived forced to flee in 1920, 1921, 1929, 1936-39 and finally, in the war pf aggression Arabs launched after rejecting the UN Partition Plan. Until 1951, UNRWA cared for some 17,000 Jewish refugees from Jerusalem, kibbutzim in Gush Etzion, agricultural communities north of Jerusalem and other areas. Do not be fooled into believing Arab propaganda.

I don't know how long it will stay up.


It continues:


To update, here's from a Nov. 23 piece:

From our demand for just rights, the pursuit of sovereignty, and a long history of resistance, we walk a joint path to liberation.
Their poster:

and their pitch:

From the dominant diatribe of manifest destiny and the insidiousness of settler-colonialism to our extortion as Indigenous people, our beasts are of the same species — we face similar barriers in varied contexts: we live on land surrounded by settlements, we have plentiful water and resources around us but have no power over how we access them. From our demand for just rights, the pursuit of sovereignty, and a long history of resistance, we walk a joint path to liberation.

We Jews are the indigenous people on this land. 



Islamists Join Environmentalists At Standing Rock To Delegitimize America
What unites these two seemingly antithetical movements is their shared desires to accumulate power and topple a common enemy.


1 comment:

  1. Absolutely on target. Get this in the mainstream press and demand a response from Jewish leaders. We are all for social justice. It's just that we dont leave ourselves off that list!
