Sunday, October 18, 2015

The PA Proposes, the UN Disposes and to Israel No Roses

Those you are veteran readers of my blog know that this

Palestinian proposal to UNESCO: Western Wall is part of al-Aqsa  A new proposal to establish that the Western Wall is part of al-Aqsa Mosque is set to be submitted by the Palestinians to a vote at UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) next week, Ynet learned Thursday.The proposal states among other things that the Western Wall is part of al-Aqsa Mosque...Yedioth Ahronoth received a copy of the proposal, which reveals the main points:1. To declare and confirm that the Western Wall is part of al-Aqsa Mosque, and is called Buraq Plaza (as the Palestinians call the Western Wall). The same applies to the Mughrabi Gate...

is old news.

How old?

Well, in the British White Paper of November 1928, the Mandate Authority basically created or recreated the status quo we're all talking about in a primitive version and while one pro-Arab MP tried to have it that

the Wailing Wall is legally the absolute property of the Moslem community, with the strip of pavement facing it; that the placing there of tables, chairs, screens, etc., is against the status quo;

the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies William Lunn, however, declared in parliament that

a memorandum relating to the Western or Wailing Wall in Jerusalem was presented to Parliament in November last as a White Paper (Cmd. 3229)...These regulations were promulgated, with the Secretary of State's approval, as a matter of urgency with a view to the preservation of good order and docorum. As the High Commissioner has announced locally, the regulations are of a temporary and provisional character. They do not purport to define the existing rights of either Moslems or Jews, nor do they prejudice the rights and claims either of Jews or of Moslems

However, things got a bit out of hand and following the murderous riots of August 1929 and the agitation of the Mufti, the Mandate appointed an International Commission of Inquiry and its report of December 1930 was inimical with its unjust restrictions on Jews by the Western Wall in addition to awarding to the Muslim Waqf the ownership of the Wall and the small courtyard which served as the worship site.

And let us not forget the December 1931 Islamic World Conference of the Mufti:

I pointed out a decade ago that Israeli officialdom either were ignorant of this element although Arafat was proclaiming it from the rooftops or preferred to ignore it as if it would go away.

Sheikh Tayseer Al-Tamimi, former Chief Justice of PA Religious Court:
"...the Jews have no right to it. No party, no matter how much power and international support it has, can change this established fact by giving the Jews any right to it, or the right to pray in any part of it. The Al-Aqsa Mosque includes all its courtyards, foundations, skies, gates, domes, walls, and specifically, its western wall (Al-Buraq Wall), [parentheses in source], which is, after all, a part of it...It is with great pride that we remember the attitude of President-Martyr Yasser Arafat, of blessed memory... who refused to give the Jews any right to the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque."
[Al-Hayyat Al-Jadida, Feb. 17, 2014]

As made clear here:

the denial of Solomon’s Temple is expressed through the use of the word al-maz’um (alleged) with al-haykal (the Temple). The use of the word al-maz’um is a direct attempt to negate the Jewish claim to the Temple Mount. The main argument made by those who deny the existence of the Jewish Temple is that no proof of the Temple’s existence has ever been found. Palestinian officials have adopted this position. 

This denial is an important element in local Arab crypto-nationalism:


The Israeli government also contributed indirectly to the erosion of Israel’s rule over the Temple Mount. In October 1993, then-foreign minister Shimon Peres wrote to his Norwegian counterpart that Israel would not interfere with the activities of “all Palestinian institutions in East Jerusalem… and holy Muslim places.” Although Peres’ letter did not specify what it meant exactly by Muslim holy places, Arafat nonetheless later claimed that Israel had implicitly recognized the PA’s jurisdiction over the Temple Mount.

I only hope that the UN Delegation is adequately prepared, with all this documentation and more, to counter the PA move.



PM Netanyahu's Remarks at the Start of the Weekly Cabinet Meeting
(Transcript Communicated by the PM Media Advisor)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this morning (Sunday, 18 October 2015), made the following remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting:

Israel cannot accept the French draft resolution at the United Nations Security Council. It doesn’t mention Palestinian incitement; it doesn’t mention Palestinian terrorism; and it calls for the internationalization of the Temple Mount.

Well, we've seen across the Middle East – in Palmyra, in Iraq, throughout Iraq and elsewhere how the militant Muslims blast each other's mosques to the sky. We've just seen it in a Jewish holy site, Joseph's Tomb. Only Israel, Israel alone, is the guarantor of the holy sites on the Temple Mount.

The reason the status quo has been violated is not because we changed it. We didn’t change anything. The orders of prayer, the visiting rights have not changed for the last 15 years. The only thing that's changed are Islamist hoodlums paid by the Islamist Movement in Israel and by Hamas, who are entering the mosque and try to put explosive [unclear]and from there emerge and attack Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount, and Christian visitors. That's the only change in the status quo.

Israel will protect the holy sites, will guard the status quo. Israel is not the problem on the Temple Mount. Israel is the solution.

1 comment:

  1. YM - and the Prime Minister did not see fit to mention a word about Jewish freedom of worship?

    If we're going to grant the questionable - and racist - premise only Muslim Arabs have exclusive rights on the Temple Mount, let's not stop there with the French proposal.

    Let's declare Jerusalem an international city.

    If Israel is not willing to defend Jewish historical ties and religious feelings of reverence to the place where the Temple once stood and to the Jewish people's age-old connection to Jerusalem, it can hardly expect the world to take Israel's side.

    For shame, Mr. Prime Minister, you could have done much more than just talk about upholding the so-called status quo heavily tilted to Islamic intolerance, anti-Semitic bigotry and the use of the Temple Mount as a political weapon against Israel.

    All of which by the way, is behind the on-going Arab pogrom against Israel's Jews.
