Sunday, August 30, 2015

Don't Feel Sorry for 'Youngsters'

The big story in Israel is the swarming attack on a lone Israeli soldier (why his buddies left him to deal with the situation by himself, I do not know. perhaps he was more motivated and got out too much in front).

But the little poor kid was throwing stones.  When I was growing up, a nightstick whack was expected for violent acts like that.

In any case, there's a new 17-year old story, one Ali Shukri Amin, Sudanese born.

What did he do?

He was

was sentenced to 11 years in prison Friday for conspiring to assist the Islamic State (ISIL), which the US has declared a terror group. Among other allegations, Ali Shukri Amin was charged for assisting ISIL via blog and Twitter posts about encryption and Bitcoin...founded the @amreekiwitness Twitter handle a year ago, garnering more than 4,000 followers and tweeting more than 7,000 times. Last year, the authorities said, he tweeted on the now-defunct Twitter handle about how jihadists could use Bitcoin "to fund their efforts."

Don't feel sorry for youngsters.

P.S.  Like the Nebi Tzalah kid.


1 comment:

    here is the other side's take
