Saturday, December 13, 2014

Button Up




  1. Can non jews settle too? Or are you exclusive to jews, is your state a racist state like the old apphartheid of S-Africa?

    Seriously, I like you (from what I've read you are not an extremist) and I like Jews in general but I think this settlement deal is leading you into a big historical irony that I have mentioned before.

    Peace out!

  2. Þór Fjalar HallgrímssonTue Dec 16, 01:14:00 AM

    The math is now too hard. If you take the expense of the IDF and related synonyms and compare it to how much it would cost to put every single Palestinian through a U.S. College and University then you would save expenses in at least lifes. Very likely Israel, the Jew state would benefit greatly from backing Arabs caught in a geo-political situation very much similar to the one Jews vere caught in during WW2.

  3. Other than that, Israel high command is currently taking a page from the abdominable nazis, the Israel counsil really is. It is deplorable, it is to cry about but it is still happening.

  4. It is in my experience hard to defend Israel and its citizens when the so called defense force seems to have morals no higher than the KKK.

  5. True but then you also have a vote in parlament over the issue of whether Israel should be defined by its governement as Jewish state.

  6. and that's a problem? try this:-

    "...ensuring Israel’s status as a Jewish nation state is a goal expressly endorsed by the same critics, when it comes to pressuring Israel into diplomatic concessions. Second, the law is far from unusual by Western standards: it actually does far less to recognize Jewish nationhood or religion than provisions common in other democratic constitutions....Contrary to common conception, Judaism is not the official religion of Israel, the world’s only Jewish state. (It has no official religion, but all religious groups get funding from the government). Nothing in the proposed bills establishes a religion.

    In this respect, Israel is far more liberal than the numerous European countries with an official religion. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, seven European countries (from Iceland to Greece) have constitutionally-enshrined official religions, despite large Moslem minorities, to say nothing of atheists and other Christian denominations. Moreover, in five European countries the head of state must actually belong to the official religion. In Israel, by contrast, the president certainly can be a non-Jew, and indeed a Druze has been one (on an acting basis).

    It is noteworthy that most of the European constitutions affirming a particular national heritage are both recent and involve nations with sizable ethnic minorities. It is hard to understand why what works for them should be so widely denounced when it comes to Israel."

  7. Yes what you say about other countries and their laws regarding religion is true. But it has to be said that those laws are centuries old and actively being questioned by many who like to remove them. Similar to some state laws in the U.S. where one must claim to believe in the one god in order to serve office. Those laws have not held up in federal courts. Besides, it is not clear if the proposed laws in Israel refer to religion or race.

  8. Get over it. So you were holocaused, not like you were the first. Not like your race has not done that to others before like Moses the grand dad of genocide. Live and let live, you have some big backers today, why test it?

  9. Þór Fjalar HallgrimssonWed Oct 09, 06:41:00 AM

    My apologies for the crude wording of previous statements. Maybe it would be better for the Palestinians to become a recognized autonomous state first, like Greenland is to Denmark, and then with an army of lawyers and popular democratic vote become an independent country?
