Monday, March 11, 2013

To Whom Mt. Scopus?

In a previous post a while ago, I raised the issue of what I would term a bit of self-righteousness.

Groups like Hadassah with its Mt. Scopus hospital and institutions such as the Hebrew University with its campus also on that hill are not known for any sympathy for the position that Judea and Samaria and the Jewish communities therein.  I pointed out that under the Obama administration, even their own existence could be challenged in that they are located "beyond the Green Line" and that includes funding from the United States with all the questions of tax-exemption.

Many countered that Mt. Scopus was always an Israeli "enclave" and as such was sovereign Israeli territory.

The claim is that the area around the Hebrew University and Hadassha Hospital on Mount Scopus during the Mandate period was accepted by 1949 Armistice Agreement to be included as an Israeli enclave within Jordanian-held territory. The area extended beyond the university, ran along the Mount of Olives ridge and also included Arab residential locations that have grown since then, such as the Issawiya neighborhood.  As such, there should be no consideration of my thesis.

Well, just to be contrarian, consider this information I found in this academic article:

After the Armistice, Jordan did contend Mt. Scopus was Jordanian territory to which Israel was merely entitled access, and even proposed that “these points be decided by a competent judicial tribunal” such as the ICJ. See MAAN ABU NOWAR, THE JORDANIAN-ISRAELI WAR 1948-1951: A HISTORY OF THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN (2003), 387-89.


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