Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Shiloh Deals with a 'Price Tag' Incident

Some observers think we do not care at all about perpetrators of "price tag" attacks or even cover up for them.

My neighbor caught one in the act and alerted the police:

Son of government employee suspected of price-tag attacks

The Jerusalem Magistrate's Court decided on Tuesday to allow police to continue holding Dor Oved (22) in custody over suspicions that the Mevasseret Zion resident vandalized and damaged Palestinian vehicles parked at an industrial park in Judea and Samaria.

The suspect, who has been arrested for price-tag attacks before, allegedly vandalized a number of vehicles belonging to Palestinians on Monday, puncturing tires and spray-painting slogans like "death to Arabs" and "price-tag" in the Shiloh settlement's industrial area.

...Police officers caught Oved in the act on Tuesday, chased after him and managed to arrest him. Police said they found evidence that pointed to the suspect's involvement in the crime near the site where they caught him. Among the evidence, police recovered two knives, one of which was allegedly the device the suspect used to puncture the tires.

The suspect told investigators that he was in the area at the time of his arrest because he works at a nearby vineyard. His attorney, Itamar Ben-Gvir, denied all charges against his client and said that police were harassing the suspect because he is a known right-wing activist.

Note this from a previous incident:

Palestinian 'price tag' victim recounts attack

Construction worker beaten by masked settlers in Shiloh suffers from bruises, deep laceration to back of head

"I was walking to work as usual when eight young, masked settlers armed with clubs began hitting me in the head and legs," Palestinian construction worker Sami Snobar recalled from his hospital bed Thursday.

Snobar was one of two Palestinians who were attacked in the West Bank settlement of Shiloh Thursday morning, in what police suspect was a "price tag" act carried out to avenge the massacre in Itamar.

"They sprayed my face with pepper spray – it burned and my face turned red," he said. "Then one of them picked up a brick and struck (my head) with it."

The other Palestinian sustained light injuries, as did a Jewish security guard who tried to protect the construction workers. Magen David Adom paramedics treated the three at the scene...Shiloh residents were quick to condemn the attack, and said that as far as they know the perpetrators were not from the settlement.


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