Monday, March 11, 2013

OMG! 'Price-Tag' Attacks?

Arab violence.
The usual.
Silwan's Jews subjected to repeated attacks

The Jerusalem District Court sentenced the five youths (ages 19-23) to an imprisonment of 36-40 months for 11 different charges over a span of six months. They were convicted of making and throwing Molotov cocktails, attempted arson of Jewish homes and stone-throwing.

Similar indictments are being filed against Palestinians from Silwan on an almost weekly basis. As part of the struggle against Jewish settlement in the neighborhood, the declared goal of all the accused in these cases is to cause Jews to leave.

...According to the indictment, in January 2012, two of the accused ambushed a Border Guard jeep and threw stones and self-made Molotov cocktails at it.  In another instance in the same month, two of the cell members – and with them two others who were not caught – went out on an operation to harm Jews living in the neighborhood...In February 2012, the cell launched three similiar attacks...In another instance, the police were the target, but because the patrol car did not arrive at the site of the planned ambush, the firebombs were hurled at the neighborhood's Jewish homes instead. In the third February incident, Beit Meyuchas was hit by Molotov cocktails.

In March 2012, the cell continued its activities and on two occasions perfected its maneuvers by placing an onlooker, while his friends threw Molotov cocktails on Jewish homes. In April, eight youths blocked the road and threw stones, Molotov cocktails and detonators from roofs onto a police force that arrived at the scene.


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