Saturday, March 09, 2013

Filming the Filmer on the Temple Mount

I caught this from this clip:

The caption at the clip describes the situation thus:

The effect of insulting the Koran by occupation police...launched on Friday a march in support of the Quran and Al-Aqsa turned into a confrontation inside Al-Aqsa Mosque where 9 soldiers were injured and 60 stationed. Hit-and-run and between Almoravids [??? Berber dynasty???] able to overcome the occupation forces and destabilize their ranks. The Zionist occupation forces used tear gas and pepper and audio and rubber bullets. With some stationed succeeded using Molotov cocktails at police and hit caused the burning.

Another view.  The Israel Hayom version.

From Ma'an:

 ...clashes broke out in East Jerusalem at the Al-Aqsa mosque compound, as dozens of Israeli officers entered the politically sensitive area, one of Islam's holiest sites, after several hundred protesters threw rocks and two firebombs at them following Friday prayers.

See this clip.

From this story.

See this clip, at 3:07 on:


And this one (among dozens here):

From Quds Media:

"Aqsa Foundation" said in a statement Saturday, 9/3/2013 in relation to the storming of  the Israeli occupation and its forces in all forms of the al-Aqsa Mosque on Friday, and brutal assault on the worshipers and chapels that it is designed to intimidate House and reduce the number of worshipers when, as the occupation is trying through this raids and brutal attacks hit all projects advocacy, especially those that pose a lever for the presence and daily communication and early in the al-Aqsa mosque, and sought to transform the Al Aqsa Mosque Square to face, seeks through which to intimidate anyone who thinks access to prayer or worship or receive knowledge...this is a plan programmed to create an atmosphere suitable for assault and targeting more of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and pointed institution that storm Al-Aqsa Mosque yesterday was way striking, and it was bunk to him, and the size and number of teams occupying forces and diversity refers to it, but it was along the lines of force bolt strike flash, and turn-Aqsa Mosque to barracks military, and assault on medical personnel and press Aqsa guards, but evidence of this approach is occupying.
Jerusalem Islamic Waqf, Sheikh Abdel Azim Salhab, in a press statement said that the Israeli occupation forces stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque and injuring dozens of people, said Sheikh Abdel Azim "They broke into a very large number of special forces al-Aqsa mosque without any reason, but The youth express their disapproval of the Israeli officer kicked the Quran inside the mosque on Sunday, and the MK "Moshe Feiglin," trying to break into the Dome of the Rock, "and" We've turned Israel mosque and its surroundings to a military barracks and it is incompatible with the freedom of worship claimed by Israel " .

Counter version:

Worshippers started throwing rocks at security forces, Friday afternoon, at the end of Muslim prayers at Temple Mount mosques in Jerusalem's Old City.

Police stationed at the Mughrabi gate broke in and began to throw stun grenades to disperse the stone throwers.

The rioters responded with firebombs. One policeman was lightly injured and taken to hospital. A number of demonstrators were also injured.

Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said that about 100 protesters, many of them masked, attacked police, who fired stun grenades in response.   "Petrol bombs were thrown at police," he told AFP. "Several police officers were injured by stones that were thrown and were evacuated to hospital."

An AFP journalist at the scene said the clash was triggered by Palestinian media allegations that a policeman at the compound, one of Islam's holiest sites, on Sunday kicked a holy book and trampled on it.

"That's completely incorrect," Rosenfeld said, adding that the Koran in uestion was being held by one of a group of women seeking to block a visit to the compound by Israelis when the book fell by accident.   "They blocked them with a bench and one of the women who was sitting on the bench was reading a Koran," he said.

 "When the bench was removed from the area the Koran fell on the floor. The Koran was picked up and returned to the lady and there was no misconduct by
any of the police."

PS  Additional clips showing Muslim females previously in action:


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