Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Another Temple Mount Story That Wasn't



  1. Yisrael ,

    Well this I must say is pleasing for me to read yet ironically so .

    It is interesting to see a woman actually going up and wearing a Talit on The Temple Mount .

    One would think a man would be the one doing such a heroic act !

    God bless these brave and courageous women !

    Reminds me of the time of Devorah in The Book of Judges .

    Take care Yisrael .

    Regards to Batya and all of Shiloh .

    With kind and blessed prayers,

    David Shimshon
    Edward F. Villa

  2. In the article quoted, two comments by Rabbi Rabinowitz beg replies:

    1) "A group of women, seeking to express their world view, chose to make the Western Wall the site of their protest and create an unnecessary conflict."
    The conflict was created by the Orthodox who, after 1967, turned the Western Wall into an Orthodox synagogue, which effectively prevents anyone else (Jews and others) from praying in their own way. It was, then, the Orthodox, such as Rabbi Rabinowitz, who created the conflict, NOT the Women of the Wall.

    2) "The Western Wall is the one place shared by all the people of Israel..."
    EXACTLY. The Western Wall should be treated as a "holy site", NOT as a synagogue, opening it up to allow anyone who wants to pray there to do so in their own way. After all, it was the Prophet Isaiah, when commenting on the Temple, said it was to be a "house of prayer for ALL nations." Why should the Western Wall be anything less?
