Saturday, February 25, 2012

Adele - Jews Lack Citizenship Identity

Adele, the big-voiced British singer-songwriter-guitarist, spoke a highly insensitive ethnic slur while trying to joke with the crowd during her show at Massey Hall in Toronto in 2009.

She was telling a story about how she had bought two guitars from “a rude Toronto pawn-shop owner” earlier in the day. “He wasn’t Canadian — he was Jewish,” she said, before realizing that statement was incredibly offensive to Jews in the audience, including my daughter, her friend and the friend’s father.

In a statement later released by Columbia Records, the singer said: “I sincerely apologize for being so naive and disrespectful! It was not my intention to be hurtful and I’m very sorry.”...

...This was a disgraceful comment, and it’s a clear reflection of Adele’s true feelings about Jewish people. A half-baked apology doesn’t change that.

Ironic, isn’t it, that Karl Lagerfeld’s foolish and offensive comment that Adele is “a little too fat” has received so much attention, when Adele’s own racist slur did not.

Ronna Rubin, Toronto.




  1. Shared. I wonder what her new boyfriend who is Jewish and has just given her a diamond ring, thinks!!

  2. Well she wasn't known worldwide at that time so the media didn't make it a big deal. I do believe she sicerely apologize. and as far as Saying that it shows her true reflections towarsd Jewish people? I really don't think so. We all make stupid comments she apologize, now move on!

  3. This incident was pretty mild, she apologized and it happened over three years ago when she was just 20, what's the point of bringing it up now? People like Eric Clapton, Joe Elliott (Def Leppard) and Gene Simmons (Kiss) have said far worse things.

  4. I'm pretty sure she's actually Jewish herself- so while saying things like that are disgusting, it's quite possible that she said it out of comfort, rather than mean in, she's overly comfortable. Just an idea- it doesn't excuse it, obviously.

  5. New is news, huh ? She did make a sincere public apology, and this is just making a big deal out of it. She obviously didn't mean it, because she apologized as soon as she said it, and then apologized again. What do you want from her ? Do you need the satisfaction of her being punished for her "sins"? I'm pretty sure you always make racial coments about non-jewish people, from how you put her down. Doesn't that put you in the same spot ?

  6. Jews like you are only loyal to Israel and not to the countries where we accepted you and cared for you, like America, England and Canadia! So yeah live in Israel for all I care. Adele had ebery right to say what she said and what she said was right!
