Monday, November 07, 2011

Understanding Israel's Media

In his "The media's virtual reality world", Dror Eydar refers to a

...hidden assumption that is not articulated but that has loomed over the discourse since the electoral upset of the Israeli Left in 1977.

And that is that when

Those who saw themselves not only as the chosen leaders of the Jewish state but as the makers of Jewish history were removed from the stage in one fell swoop[,] ever since, they, their descendants and their political and media clones refuse to recognize the legitimacy of the people's chosen alternative leadership.

And he explains:

For journalists Nahum Barnea, Amnon Abramovitch and their vocal circle of friends, Benjamin Netanyahu does not really have a popular mandate for critical historic decisions -- with the exception of a diplomatic agreement custom-tailored to their ideological creed..."Who are those guys to decide our fate?" they mutter angrily and contemptuously...Against the backdrop of this psycho-political assumption, that the Right has no mandate to rule, the similitude of a "debate," plays out.



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