Thursday, November 10, 2011

Our New Media Comment Column Is Up

On the "price tag" policy and the media.



  1. Its difficult to put a price tag on the total cost of what Israel will pay for the damage Livni has done to Israel. Her outspoken convoluted liberal outbursts, (along with others of her ilk)... that were broadcast worldwide, have finally birthed an end product. That would be the arming of arabs with thousands of bunker busting bombs. Most self respecting radical loose lipped liberals in the US all know that Israel bombed the twin towers. Even though they were obviously Saudis the convoluted liberal mind in America has somehow concluded they were Israeli's. Tzipi, those tinglings that ran up your leg when you were mesmerized by our Islamic President, those tinglings that inspired you to rant against your own country are going to cost you dearly, and unfortunatly every family in Israel. Time to take off your rose colored glasses, get your Kakis back on and prepare for war.... with those you have been praising. The Oz fest is over. Those that bombed the twin towers have just been given thousands of bunkerbusting bombs!! To use on Iran? Why they wouldn't think of using them on Israel. One good aspect of this is that Tzipi will be a good politician after being forced to fight herself out of this dilemma, because she will damn well understand the meaning of what a USEFUL IDIOTS IS!!!! Carville has even come out from under the ether, but he isn't surrounded by nations of radical fundemental muslims who are now being armed with bunker busting bombs. He is now being faced with the reality of having to deal with a President who wants to dismantle the U.S.....and he started with New Orleans. Isn't that Ironic. That was Carvilles home town. WAS!!!! Now, Tzipi, its angling around to BITE YOU IN THE BUTT, I'm curious to see how you handle it. Are you going to make an existential stand or jumpship? Look out New York, with your large Jewish population your in the cross hairs. You may soon be confronted with Carvilles dilemma, that of looking for a home!!! The Juggarnaut with his Islamic Armys are headed your way!!!!

  2. For thousands of years your enemys have waited and they finally feel they have someone in the saddle to even the score!!! He will play "rope a dope" with you as long as you politically vacillate. He fully intends to take you out and will attempt to do it before you realize the gravity of the situation.

  3. Food for thougnt. What would happen if the worlds Imams would issue a fatwah against all Jews in the U.S. Would the president order and executive order to stand down? Just a thought. How could they be protected? Everyone lives in fear of anyone who would tarnish the reputation of Mohammad. The American government cannot protect them! So what would be the difference if they issued a fatwah against all American Jews? You can wipe your blank with a picture of Jesus Christ and the Aclu will defend to the death your right to do that. What would the Aclu's position be if it were done to ANY Islamic prophet. Dershowitz could you give us your opinion on that? What do you think the almighty and powerful ACLU would do in a situation of that import?

  4. In the event their was a fatwah ordered of that sort, do you think a certain california congress womans first order of the day would be that of going before the legislature in an attempt to pass laws that prevent Judeo-Christians from carrying concealed weapons? Her fear being based upon the possibility their might be a backlash from the normal folks when they allow (in school) sexual predators to teach their children.

  5. Korans to be burned by ALCU at New York central office? Along with 100 Christian bibles? We want to make it clear that we are defenders of American constitutional rights, without prejudice! Government responce! We want to make it clear that any Judeo-Christian caught protesting will be dealt with severely, YOU WILL WISH YOU HAD NEVER HAVE BEEN BORN, SAYS A FEDERAL JUDGE, from Texas, but secret sources indicate all Muslims will be surreptitiously issued AK47's, with a wink and a nodd from the present administration? A congressional congress woman states, "we cannot allow a crisis to be wasted! These Judeo-Christians seem to think they have the same rights as Muslims. They will not stand down as we prohibit their right to pray in public schools. It is a Muslims God given right to pray, but not a Christians. It seems that they will never accept those dictates and our only solution is to kill them all. I mean look at what the Muslim brotherhood is doing on our behalf. They are eliminating Israel and we do not have to fire a shot. No blood on our hands here!!! You see thats the way we do business in America,NOW, SURREPTITIOUSLY. We are conquering the world for Islam with Christians. Only in America can you get away with this, because the common run of the mill citizen is so stupid!!!

  6. Sexual predators! Would you allow your children to be taught at home by sexual predators, why then, must we allow children to be taught by them in public schools? Is it that congress must protect the rights of predators in order to be politically correct? Is it predation by executive order? Or is it predation by Judicial activism. Recently a judge was reprimanded for masterbating while ajudicating a court proceeding. I wonder if he was the same judge that told the children in Texas if they were caught praying, "The punishment for them would be so severe they would wish they never had been born". Google it!! We need a congressional opinion on these matters. Would Barny and Anthony be willing to shed some light on the above mentioned parental concerns.

  7. Stockholm John, If you and Linsey would spend more time with the normal folks, addressing their concerns and what not, rather than spending your time praising the Muslim Brotherhood in Libya.... their would be no need for increased defense spending. John we know its tough to find a country you can ride around in a convertible looking for a cause to champion, but we all know you need attention. Once the war is won, and Libya needs U.S. financial assistance, they will soon find out aid comes with strings attached. They soon discover that we came in with a Christian banner purporting to have morals and good character....until we send in the Dept.of Ed. They stipulate that for every straight teacher, they will need a gay, and for every gay they will need a lesbian, and for every lesbian they will need propotionate amount of transexuals.... for every transexual thats changed from a man to a woman, they will also need a woman thats changed to a man. Then we start on colors, race, and affirmative action,of course all sexual deviates are covered with affirmiative action. We will also offer financial aid to offset the cost of buses to transport each and every indiviual to their respective schools in order to maintain a lawful balance. Hooray, Libya, since you are an oil nation, you can acess the special unlimited international fund for the free treatment of Aids and abortions. The Muslims reaction, is "SAY WHAT". They talk with their Imams, and here we go again. Lindsey and McCain are back at the table needing more money for the Dept.of Defense. WHY DO THEY NEED IT? WHO COULD POSSIBLY WANT TO FIGHT WITH US? Being the peaceful nation we are. Was it Paul that referred to us as a Mystery? He was so confused when God tried to describe us in revelation, in desperation he refered to us as, Mystery Babylon, soon to be COMPLETLY DESTROYED.... by a fierce nation of warriors being of another religious persuation.

  8. The foolishness of God is wiser than mans wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than mans strength. Brothers THINK of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God chose the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And the base things of the world and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are NOT, to bring to NOUGHT things that are. We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing, but prophets speak what God has revealed to us by his Spirit. Those are the words of a Jew,(filled with the Spirit of God) which most ALL Christians hold in VERY HIGH ESTEEM. You know I would rather have my soul under the protection of Israeli generals, surrounded by Muslim nations armed with bunkerbusting bombs, rather than have a form of purported psuedo protection provided by Nepalitano and our atheistic administration. God afforded us protection, regardless of our imperfections, AS LONG AS WE PROTECTED ISRAEL. Now that our function has become one of another sort, the U.S. is DOOMED. God has promised to prune Israel, but scripture is unequivocal regarding the future of Mystery Babylon, that would be TOTAL DESTRUCTION. If your looking for WIGGLE ROOM when you read Rev:18 you will not find it. I think God is explicitly clear, "She has become a home for demons and a haunt for every evil spirit, for all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxures. COME OUT OF HER, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her PLAGUES; for her sins are piled up to heaven and God has REMEMBERED her crimes. By your magic spells all the nations were led astry, therefore in ONE DAY her plagues will overtake her and she will be consumed by fire. Do you see any wiggle room I may have overlooked?

  9. Hey Nancy, God has a message for you, He's sick and tired of you putting the Jews and Christians on the chopping block for crude oil. We know you do not want to contaminate your precious soil in San Francisco, so in your convoluted way of thinking you determined, why not trade Christians and Jews for oil? We can save our precious soil! Oil produces all those decadent products my expensive palate requires, caviar,covasier, Norwegian smoked salmon, and the list goes on ad in pukiam. I'm sure it makes your Islamic President Happy, to see you happy, that is. Nancy, God wants to know if you caught his drift? That of strotium 90? Be sure and cover your arugula with lead coated plastic. And Hawaii, the birth place of the son of perdition. Did you catch my drift? That would be a couple hundred million tons of contaminated debris. DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE TO PLAY A GAME WITH GOD? Obama. Its your move!!! I know all you atheists and agnostics are laughing right now, because you know THEIR IS KNOW GOD. Isn't that right Harvard?

  10. Its not about stabalizing the economy, constitutional rights, our morale standing in the world, right vs. wrong, drill baby drill, or democrat vs. republican...its about WORLD ISLAMIC DOMINATION. Thats the first order of the day for our CAC. If Newt and Romney and the boys can't figure that out, and address those issues, HEAD ON, BOTH parties are doomed. Why don't they talk about the Islamic spring and the fact that they are in the process of killing all the Christians. Our President is confident he can take out Israel with our military but he cannot do that if isn't re-elected. Our sheepish candidates cannot fathom the possibility of a president who fully intends to establish world Islamic domination.... With Islam killing everyone who gets in his way. No blood on his hands!! The naivete of our candidates has rendered them useless. We have one religion that will cut your head off or enslave you... if you do not convert, and another religion that turns the other cheek. House rules are not only agains Jews and Christian, but against any other form of religion on this earth. Muslims will die for this cause and nations will be destroyed for this cause, and countrys will be used as sacrifial lambs (U.S.) for this cause. Christians are good at crying for their cause, when mistreated. If you sheeply candidates don't soon come out from under the politically correct Islamic ether your countrys are doomed!

  11. Its not about stabalizing the economy, constitutional rights, our morale standing in the world, right vs. wrong, drill baby drill, or democrat vs. republican...its about WORLD ISLAMIC DOMINATION. Thats the first order of the day for our CAC. If Newt and Romney and the boys can't figure that out, and address those issues, HEAD ON, BOTH parties are doomed. Why don't they talk about the Islamic spring and the fact that they are in the process of killing all the Christians. Our President is confident he can take out Israel with our military but he cannot do that if isn't re-elected. Our sheepish candidates cannot fathom the possibility of a president who fully intends to establish world Islamic domination.... With Islam killing everyone who gets in his way. No blood on his hands!! The naivete of our candidates has rendered them useless. We have one religion that will cut your head off or enslave you... if you do not convert, and another religion that turns the other cheek. House rules are not only agains Jews and Christian, but against any other form of religion on this earth. Muslims will die for this cause and nations will be destroyed for this cause, and countrys will be used as sacrifial lambs (U.S.) for this cause. Christians are good at crying for their cause, when mistreated. If you sheeply candidates don't soon come out from under the politically correct Islamic ether your countrys are doomed!

  12. Who is the prostitute on the back of the beast? Rev;17-3, The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet and was glittering with Gold(fancy eater-fancy dresser),along with very fussy expensive tastes. She held in her hand a golden cup filled with abominable things and the filth of her spiritual adulteries. The woman was drunk with the blood of the saints,( Israel and those who bear testimoney to Jesus). I know a certain california congresswoman, who sets as a queen, while distorting scripture to suit her consorts needs. Congresswoman, God wants you to quote his scripture correctly. Rev 17:6, The beast and the 10 horns will hate the prostitute. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire. Please quote my word correctely the next time you quote it on national t.v. You claim to be a Catholic but you represent those that will destroy Rome... just as they did the statue of Budda in Afganistan. Their is still hope, contact the Pope and demand an exorcism. I may be dealing with you a tad bit harsh, because their is another woman who meets all those same qualitys, what religion she is though is a mystery, I'm most certain it isn't Catholicism.

  13. WE MUST BE POLITICALLY CORRECT. While Doomsberg is chasing a foreign born, domestic legal illegal....a non-documented alien foreign domestically born american terroist (that should satisfy the abomitable ilk of Michael Moore and company)Mr.Doomsberg is chasing a man armed with something similar to firecrackers who claimed he was going to blow up the pentagon...while a certain person has just armed the muslim brotherhood with enough shoulder armed missles to blow up New Yorks nuclear generating plant. Which they have been threatening to do on all the Jihad internet sites. And wouldn't you know most of those missles ARE MISSING. My guess is Doomsberg has been off the gold course long enough to realize America is in DEEP DOODOO and is now transferring all his money off shore and buying foreign currencys. If he has not already done that!!!!

  14. Redrum, Redrum, Redrum, Islamic Nightmare on Elm Street. Who is taking an ax to the house and killing all the children? Those were just movies, AMERICA, GET READY for the real thing.

  15. DRILL BABY DRILL VS. KILL BABY KILL. Its a mystery, who is going to win? Keep your finger on the pulse of the situation and watch closly how events unfold.

  16. Melody, Good night Irene, Good night Irene, Good night Irene, Good night Irene, I'll see you in my dreams. We HATED AMERICA UNTIL HE WAS ELECTED....Good night Irene, Good night Irene....His minister "AMERICA MUST BURN", We'll see you in our dreams, Good night Irene....His ilk "We need to kill them all, we need to kill their babys.... Levis from India, Levis from pakistan, Levis from China, Levis from America? Never heard of that country. Melody, Americas soon to be a dream!!

  17. Karzai will fight with Pakistan against the U.S? McCain, Lindsey, Condo, we need solutions. Should we first send in McCain in a Caddilac Convertible? Or Linsey with his "Christian Personna". Better yet, Hilliary could promise them Chinese money, which the American people will pay back. Look at how stupid the American people are ,Karzai, how can you possibly pass up this sweethear deal. We obviously have a crisis here, but nothing another 100,000 troops and 1 trillion dollars can't handle. This doesn't have anything to do with our demand for forced busing of your students, does It?

  18. OPERATION MOONBATS? In order to save Pakistan our State department is going to implement, OPERATION MOONBATS!!Tied with their financial aid Pakistan will be required to have Gaga concerts with various and sundry rap groups each month. Bill Mars must have 3hours of prime time each day. Rosie O must be an adviser to their education department. If their are still a few purists amoung you, who can survive this onslaught, we will send Michael M. to the Masques as a maggot to mop up and destroy any semblance of morality.

  19. KARZAI REFUSES U.S. AID UNLESS IT IS IN YENS. Does America think we are brainless over here. All self respecting Muslims KNOW the Jihadists are going to blow their nuclar generating plants. Doesn't Doomsberg read their websites,or does he spend most his time belittling Christians who like their guns and bibles.... along with praising Muslim Jihadists? You know they really are not Jihadists they are misunderstood confused compassionate religious children of Allah which our courts must treat with apologetic sorrow. Well the rubbers about to meet the mat and we want Yens and , THATS THAT!! And by the way Doomy, what mix of foreign currency should we suggest on our next aid package?

  20. U.S. politicians totally in the dark!! What U.S. politicians do not understand is that the jihadists will not blow the nuclear facilties in Europe. Why? Because they will take Europe by attrition, immigration, and internal strife. Jacque Chirac, Prince Charles, Tony Blair, and ilk will one day bow to Islam or it will be off with their heads. The U.S. politicians will not be offered that same alternative. They cannot escape judgement by becoming puppet masters for Islam, with the exception of one individual. Scripture is very clear on this matter. Islam, as explained explicitly in Danial and revelation, will totally destroy what they call the Great Satan...that would be what God calls Mystery Babylon. While our candidates are knifing each other the enemy is coming under the gate, or under the fence in this instance. The U.S. has been weighed in the balance and found wanting. I wish I could sugar coat this for you but its a bitter pill America evidently is destined to swallow. What is going to occur is evidently a FOREGONE conclusion. Nothing is carved in granite with God, they could repent like David when confronted by a prophet, or like Joshua who took corrective measures when admonished by God. God will destroy you if you really tick him off. With this present atheistic administration it appears their is NO HOPE for America, because they have only one true believer in the White House, and he is a believer in the God of Islam!!! He understands prophesy much better than Newt and Romney. And I will give him credit he is carrying it out TO THE LETTER!!!

  21. U.S. politicians totally in the dark!! What U.S. politicians do not understand is that the jihadists will not blow the nuclear facilties in Europe. Why? Because they will take Europe by attrition, immigration, and internal strife. Jacque Chirac, Prince Charles, Tony Blair, and ilk will one day bow to Islam or it will be off with their heads. The U.S. politicians will not be offered that same alternative. They cannot escape judgement by becoming puppet masters for Islam, with the exception of one individual. Scripture is very clear on this matter. Islam, as explained explicitly in Danial and revelation, will totally destroy what they call the Great Satan...that would be what God calls Mystery Babylon. While our candidates are knifing each other the enemy is coming under the gate, or under the fence in this instance. The U.S. has been weighed in the balance and found wanting. I wish I could sugar coat this for you but its a bitter pill America evidently is destined to swallow. What is going to occur is evidently a FOREGONE conclusion. Nothing is carved in granite with God, they could repent like David when confronted by a prophet, or like Joshua who took corrective measures when admonished by God. God will destroy you if you really tick him off. With this present atheistic administration it appears their is NO HOPE for America, because they have only one true believer in the White House, and he is a believer in the God of Islam!!! He understands prophesy much better than Newt and Romney. And I will give him credit he is carrying it out TO THE LETTER!!!

  22. It was not my intention to belittle either Newt or Romney from a religious standpoint. They are VERY RELIGIOUS but they do not understand prophesy. If you were raised as a child in a masque your Imam would have hammered prophesy into your hardrive. In America our religious system was neutered by President Johnson, the Aclu, and the Supreme Court. Our Supreme court can issue all kinds of dictates against Christians but they watch their ps and qs when dealing with Islam. What would happen if Islam issued a Fautwa aginst the SUPREME COURT, What would we do!!!! In order for churchs to keep their 501 C status they had to preach what the government wants you to here or lose their tax exempt status. Can you imagine the Aclu walking in to a masque and telling an Imam what to preach. It would be the last thing they would do!! It seems one candidate gets it, but as the truth trickles down she looks like a deer caught in the headlights. But once she gets it political correctness does not prevent her from laying it on the line. Must be the RED HAIR!! And Cain, man that guy would be a warrior for right vs. wrong, because he doesn't have to filter everything he says by complying with Sharptons dictates for politically correct engagement. Political correctness causes most white politicians to develope a form of Romney shizophenia. Its a form of flip flopping psychobabble. The rest of them just start crying when the heat is to hot in the kitchen. Newt may develope the stature to take the bull by the horns and break its neck. Time will tell.

  23. HUSSEIN... WALKING ON WATER? Kudos Hussein, If what your are doing is scripturally ordained, we can expect to see you walking on water in the very near future. Their may be something to this Dec 2012 chatter. The Mayans and Aztecs were Americans,somewhat. It might be as they divined the future they saw the destruction of, the Americas. Not the whole world. The drifting of nuclear contamination from the blowing of our generating plants will destroy not only us but South America. Chaves you are going to get more than what you bargained for. What comes around goes around. Should you establish a port of entry at Margarita Island? FOR YOUR SAKE? Dancing with the devil is very dangerous.

  24. Newt defending not only America but also ROME? Newt your not only battling for America you are also battling for the churchs of Rome, and all other ancillary freedom believing religions. Because as a matter of principle... will Islam have to dynamite the Vatican Quarters? Just as they did the statue of Budda in Afganistan! Not if the Vatican Quarters is converted into a masque, and I do not see that happening in the near future. One clue to watch for is If Benedict would change his name to Benedict Houessein Osama.
