Friday, November 04, 2011

Is There Such A Thing As A "Chassidic Winter"?

My brother-in-law sent me this, a sign at the Rest Stop on the Northway North - Clifffon Park and it comes with a Yiddish explanation:

which informs religiously-observant Jews, who read Yiddish, that is, that the water fountain cannot be used for the ritual washing of hands before eating bread and that the washing sink is in the Succah.

And since we're on to linguistists, sort of, here's another poster from a Hareidi neighborhood:

It publicizes a "one-time sale" of winter coats of "Chassidic Winter Coats" which I have encircled.

But those familiar with Hebrew grammar will discern that there's a funny error, I think.

The adjective "Chassidic" which is describing, I presume, the coat, is in singular form rather than plural.  In that form, it is really describing "Winter".

Is there such a thing as a "Chassidic Winter"?

Anyone have a more intelligent thought?


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