Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Do Pledge, Properly

Did you read the translation of the Foxman-Harris declaration of grovelling?

At the National Conference on Jewish Affairs?

Well, it starts so:

We at the National Conference on Jewish Affairs offer for your viewing pleasure what we think is an accurate translation of their pledge, followed by our own pledge, which we think is pretty clear.
1. We shall be silent.
2. We shall be weak.
3. We shall be beholden to one political party.
4. We shall appease.
5. We shall approve of negotiating away the rights of the Jewish People to our Homeland because we fear being called obstinate more than we fear diminishing our rights.
6. We shall "dialogue" with people who hate Israel.
7. We shall invite Jew-haters and Islamists into our synagogues and Jewish centers, but not invite Jews whose opinions we don't like...

and continues, so read it all.

Also provided is another pledge:

1. We will never be silenced when speaking the truth regarding the Jewish People, anti-Semitism, Israel or America.
2. We shall speak clearly and without hesitation when our elected officials or others take positions or actions that we believe are harmful to the safety and security of the Jewish State and the Rights of the Jewish People.
3. We will not be fooled by manipulative language used to shepherd Jews into signing on to pledges and statements intended to encourage self-censorship or shut down the free exchange of responsible ideas in our community. So-called "Pledges of Unity" and "Civility Statements" are nothing more than attempts to silence us.
4. We will not allow ourselves and our opinions to be controlled by organizations or officials who do not represent us.
5. We will not financially or morally support Jewish organizations or individuals that attempt to silence us or our opinions.
6. We will not sit silently by as Jewish officials attempt to mischaracterize us or our ideas as "extremist" or "intolerant," "inflammatory" or "hateful."
7. We will stand up against anti-Semitism, anti-Americanism and anti-Israel rhetoric.
8. We will not pressured into "outreach" with known bashers of the Jewish People, Israel, or America. We shall, however, enthusiastically reach out to and interact with sincere players and spokespeople.
9. We will not be told by Jewish officials what to do, what to say, where to say it, how to say it, and to whom to say it.
10. We shall publicly challenge organizations and individuals that are attempting to undermine the security and safety of Israel or America.


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