Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Dimi Rieder: Not A Fact

Dimi Reider, of the extreme leftwing progressive online +972 Magazine, has been provided, as a matter of course, with op-ed space in the New York Times and published a piece attacking the Anat Kamm verdict:-

In Israel, Press Freedom Is Under AttackBy DIMI REIDER
Tel Aviv

It's "chilling message" for the journalist is:

know your place; cover what we tell you to cover, print our news releases, and keep within your bounds.

Rieder introduces the "ordinary patriot" as his hero, when there is no such thing.

His "ordinary patriots"

are sometimes moved to make shocking revelations about their country’s inner workings. They act out of civic duty and a belief that their compatriots need to know the truth, regardless of what official institutions think the public should know.

But, as the court made clear, Kamm is not ordinary. her motives were political ideology.

As even Haaretz reported:

"The systematic way in which she operated points to planning and awareness of her actions, which were goal-directed. She devoted time, planning and preparation to these actions, and even used the services of others to bring things to fruition," the judges wrote in their ruling.

And not ordinary was the nature of her crime. She stole documents that included

plans for military operations, information on troop deployments, summaries of various internal discussions, military targets and intelligence assessments. Of the 2,085 documents she copied, some 700 were classified as "Secret" or "Top Secret." In September 2008, Kamm met with Haaretz journalist Uri Blau, and gave him a disk-on-key on which she had copied 1,500 documents, of which 150 were classified "Top Secret" and 330 were "Secret."

Dimi, meet Thomas Drake who, like Kamm, has been prosecuted for the same crime. And Shammai Leibowitz. And Julian Assange.

Yet again, the NYT publishes someone who hasn't the facts, perverts the facts and seeks to persuade the public of a false

And that's a fact.


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