Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Mutant of "Replacement Theology"

As Daniel Greenfield makes clear:

...the left tries to insist that its version of Christianity and Judaism...is the right one, because it’s compassionate and spiritual...consists wholly of following a left of center ideology while claiming that their grab bag of the welfare state, anti-war activism and environmentalism is highly spiritual.

...The paradox of a paragon of a humanistic un-religion making common cause with men who believe that their specific revelation entitles them to commit genocide is baffling. Or it would be if Waskow really was a humanist. In reality Waskow is a socialist with a pulpit. Even if it’s only an imaginary one.

Waskow’s idea of Judaism exists only as a metaphor for left of center ideology...The Waskowites, Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan’s bastard spawn, support Hamas, denounce Israel and join hate groups such as J-Street and Jewish Voice for Peace...many of them will mount pulpits to explain why Israel is the enemy and why it must be destroyed in the name of Jewish values...They will hardly mention Hamas, except to sigh that it hasn’t chosen the path of non-violent resistance, but that won’t stop them from supporting its goals anyway.

Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan...at the [1958] Rabbinical Assembly of America, he sounded positively hawkish as he warned that Israel might be becoming the Czechoslovakia of this era.

He warned that Western countries would scapegoat Israel through a “futile policy of appeasing Arab nationalism” and that Zionism was the force best qualified to “reconstitute the continuity, spirituality and structure of Jewish life.”

Could he have foreseen that Israel would become a scapegoat within his very own movement, which would view Zionism as its sworn enemy?

...Abstraction is the left’s game, it turns everything into a metaphor, removes the context, replaces it and dares you to identify whether you’re drinking coffee or crystals. But Jewish history is very much a concrete thing. As is Jewish identity...This is who we are. This is how we have survived. The left may try to replace us, but it can never succeed no matter how many collaborators it recruits and how many warped ideas it puts forward...


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