Friday, June 17, 2011

"Sinking" The Flotilla - Legally

Will the flotilla be sunk?

Shurat HaDin (SH), the Israeli Legal Center, is implementing several strategies to stop the international flotilla against Israel. One is a civil lawsuit against 14 ships set to participate in this flotilla.  A second action is Shurat HaDin's legal warning to Inmarsat that under U.S. law they will be open to charges of aiding and abetting terrorism if they provide services to these Gaza-bound ships. A third action by SH is their letter to maritime insurance companies informing them that by insuring sea vessels used by terrorists their company will be liable for any future attacks carried out by those terrorists.

What about those planes set to land...wait!, where are they to land in Gaza?



  1. Lawfare is beginning to be used with great effectiveness by the pro-Israel side. All the lawsuits filed against flotilla organizers are having the desired "chilling" effect. In the end they may not sail for lack of money. And if they do sail, Israel should announce they will be billed for the full costs of their detention and removal from Israel. It doesn't have to be a one-way street!

  2. I am so pleased to see that we are all realizing that there is no need for the flotilla. I would like to invite you to check out Prevent the IHH Flotilla Towards GazaGet Started

    I appreciate any support you can give us.
