Saturday, December 25, 2010

Abbas Makes It Clear: No Israelis In "Palestine" (Is That Apartheid?)

From someone who knows Arabic:

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas announced on Saturday that when a Palestinian state is established, it would have no Israelis in it.

“We have frankly said, and always will say, if there is an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, we won’t agree to the presence of one Israeli in it,” Abbas told reporters in Ramallah. He was commenting on unconfirmed reports that suggested that the PA leadership might agree to the presence of the IDF in the West Bank after the establishment of a Palestinian state.

“We are ready to go to peace on the basis of international legitimacy and the road map, which we have accepted, as well as the Arab peace initiative,” Abbas said. “But when a Palestinian state is established, it would have no Israeli presence in it.”

Ynet tries to spin it in his favor, a bit, but falls flat:

While touring Ramallah, Abbas rejected the possibility that Israeli soldiers would remain stationed along the borders of the future Palestinian state or will be a part of an international force that will deploy there.

"We are prepared to move toward peace based on international resolutions, the Road Map and 1967 borders, but when a Palestinian state is established it will be empty of any Israeli presence," said the Palestinian leader.

"If a Palestinian state is established with Jerusalem as its capital, we will object to the presence of even one Israeli in its territory. This is our position," he said.

According to reports, Abbas was referring only to Israelis, as the Palestinian Authority does not object to foreign Jews being a part of the international force which may deploy along the borders of a future Palestinian state. He was referring to IDF soldiers, settlers and Israelis carrying a blue identification card.

When not in Ramallah, Abbas can be found in Bethlehem:

President Mahmoud Abbas, who traveled to Bethlehem to greet Christmas revelers, says he hopes a Palestinian state will be established next year.


"We are seekers of peace in the path of Jesus," he said. "We hope that next year will be a year of peace by establishing the independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, living side by side with Israel in peace and security."

Side by side?

So, do we get to empty out all those "Arab settlements" and have the "settlers" move into Palestine just as he wants the Jews to 'return' to the state of Israel?



  1. As far as Jesus is concerned, like the guy or not, he was not a pacifist. Indeed, he is quoted in the NT as saying, "I come not to bring peace but the sword." His following included Simon the Zealot. All that does not bother me, since I am not a pacifist either. But let's keep the record straight.

  2. What has that comment to do with anything? Weird.

  3. Anon, read the picture caption. Abbas says:

    "We are seekers of peace in the path of Jesus," he said. "We hope that next year will be a year of peace. . ."

    Jesus was not a pacifist and Abbas is a gross liar. He does not seek peace in anybody's path.
