Thursday, October 21, 2010

Neo-Colonist Am I? But Who Is Goldblog?

According to Andrew "Sully" Sullivan. But first, a word from an anti-religionist: important factor in this - the evangelical end-times view of Israel. It's the politics of the Book of Revelation that impels Sarah Palin to take the view of the right-wing Jewish settlers and terrorists in the West Bank (Yes, I take setting fire to mosques, poisoning fig trees, destroying Palestinian agriculture as terrorism). The pro-Israel lobby is successful not just because it pursues legitimate lobbying of Congress to defend almost anything Israel does, but because it also has a sturdy outreach program to non-Jewish Americans who, by and large, identify far more with Western-seeming Israelis than with Arabs and Muslims, an identification understandably intensified after 9/11.

And now:

Supporting the continuing construction of settlements in East Jerusalem and the neo-colonization of the West Bank are also issues that are not synonymous with support of Israel, as Mead and Goldblog [sic! was that intentional?] have stated.

My, my.

1 comment:

  1. That's how Jeffrey Goldberg and friends refer to his blog.
