Saturday, September 25, 2010

Torah Is Life

There is a story behind this picture other than it being snapped at the Ceremony of a Dedication of a New Torah Scroll at the Noam Yonatan Synagogue at the Ramat Shmuel neighborhood here in Shiloh:

Photo credit: Miriam-Feyga Bunimovich

Holding the Sefer Torah is Moshe Siton.  Standing to his left is Avraham Yerushalmi.

Moshe's son, Avraham Yosef, was killed while attempting to flee an Arab terrorist on May 28, 2002 who had infiltrated the Itamar community and entered the basketball court where he gunned Avraham down, shooting him repeatedly in the back.

Avraham's son, Shmuel Efraim, was the victim of a suicide bomber at the French Hill junction while waiting to catch a lift.

Shmuel Yerushalmi studied at the same yeshiva high school in Itamar, where his good friend, Avrham Siton, was killed. Shmuel, who was unharmed in the attack, delivered a eulogy at the grave of Avi Siton.

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