Monday, September 13, 2010

Jewish Presence in Jaffa

I just received the update for the holidays from the Jaffa Yeshiva, "Shirat Moshe".

A new building has been purchased to enable the Yeshiva to expand. Renovative construction is underway.

There are 80 students of whom 15 are learning in a Kollel framework. Another 15 have enlisted for a full military service and another 4 are in the hesder framework.

Fifty families have moved into Jaffa with a few purchasing homes there. Ten families are in the Shikunnei Hisachon, which is 89% Arab and two families are residing in the Jaffa Three neighborhood where there is a high concentration of immigrant households.

Jaffa, just to remind you, is in the state of Israel. So, in case any of my terminology reminds you of Yesha, I excuse you.

The Yeshivah's Hebrew site, with pictures, is here.

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  1. There isa Jewish presence in Jaffa that precedes the invasion from the West Bank. Jews and Arabs have lived together in Jaffa for a great many years in peace and harmony. You threaten to undermine that harmony. Better you stay in the QWest Bank and allow our coexistence to flourish without friction and disruption.

  2. Lourwill, you will, of course, recall that Jaffa is an ancient Jewish port city, mentioned in the Bible in the book of Jonah, for example. So, if their is coexistence, all have to be equal and the Arab residents cannot presume it is an automatic Arab town as it was demographically in Mandate times (that was when Arabs slaughtered Jews in Jaffa). How can a few dozens of Jews upset things? Is there a quota on how many Jews are a problem? If so, do other cities have an Arab quota?

  3. Dear Anon.: Oh, please. Your bigotry, your hatred, your ignorance, your stupidity is just too much. And your spelling! (sluttered?) Why do Jew-haters spell so atrociously?

    Anyway, I am not devilish. The "nakba" started in 1947 when Arabs started killing Jews in the wake of the UN decision of November 1947. Killing Jews was an Arab pastime in Mandate days (and before). We don't deny other religions, we just don't follow them and wish other religions would stop trying to proselytize us. And hating us for no good reason. And trying to kill us in pogroms, riots, etc.

  4. Medad, there are some 23,000 Jews in Jaffa, so do not write about a few dozen as though they are filling a vacuum. The yeshiva of which you write has a web page quoting Berashit (the children of Ishmael are to be driven from the land." Your few dozen are nationalist religious of the type that is making peace so difficult within a two state solution. Their ideology and politics are dangerous enough in the Occupied Territory without trying to infect Israel proper.

  5. I agree with avi. Mr. Medad, Your words are pure Evil. Shame on you !!!

  6. Jaffa is an old town and in all of its 5000 (some state only 4000) years of history it was under Jewish control for about 200 years during the period of the kings.
    Other than that it was under Egyptian, Greek Roman, Mamluk, crusader, Turkish French and British rule.
    The fact it is mentioned in the bible doesn't imply anyone has political rights here or there or elsewhere.
    It is mentioned, like it is mentioned in the Tel El Amarna clay tablets. So what?
    Jaffa belongs to its people, Palestinians and Jews. To those who want to live together and create together, to build and be built. To talk and to listen, to learn and to teach/ Not to a wacky group of people who believe themselves to be chosen and to have more rights than anyone else on grounds of their birth.
    Settler extremism is dangerous to all of us. And frankly, in Jaffa, we have no need of it.

  7. Yaheli, so who can tell A that he/she cannot be a "person" of Jaffa? An Egyptian? Canaanite? Crusader, Ottoman? Who? No one. So when Jews move back into the city, where they had lived, off and on, for the past 2000 or so years, please, don't get upset. It's only what the Arabs did but without killing anyone. Or buying into Jaffa like Peres without contributing to its social fabric.

  8. Yaheli, so who can tell A that he/she cannot be a "person" of Jaffa? An Egyptian? Canaanite? Crusader, Ottoman? Who? No one. So when Jews move back into the city, where they had lived, off and on, for the past 2000 or so years, please, don't get upset. It's only what the Arabs did but without killing anyone. Or buying into Jaffa like Peres without contributing to its social fabric.

  9. Yisrael,

    I love your blog, am not sure why Avi & others are so angry at you.

    Methinks its laughable that these guys want to "lock you in jail" because they disagree with your ideas. If that's not Fascist, then it's definitely Bolshevik.

    Keep up the good work!

