Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Jew-Hatred By Muslims in France

My high school French is nearly inadequate so Elliot Green provided me with a translation of this anti-semitic Muslim perpetrated incident:

...c'est une jeune femme de confession juive qui portait plainte après avoir été agressée dans une grande surface de Toulouse. La victime affirme avoir été prise à partie par deux adolescents qui lui reprochaient d'acheter de la nourriture pendant le jeûne. La jeune femme aurait alors fait valoir qu'elle était de confession juive, ce qui n'aurait fait que redoubler la colère de ses agresseurs, lesquels, après l'avoir traitée de "sale juive", l'auraient frappée à la tête, la faisant lourdement chuter. Un vigile a assisté à la scène sans intervenir. Interrogé par les enquêteurs sur les raisons de sa passivité, l'homme a expliqué qu'il respectait le ramadan et qu'il était donc pressé de partir pour pouvoir s'alimenter, dès le coucher du soleil.

which is basically:

a woman was shopping in a supermarket in Toulouse. Two "adolescents" scolded her that she should not be buying food on Ramadan during the fast [whereas Muslims in Jerusalem do buy food during the day during Ramadan]. But it was a case of mistaken identity. Apparently they had thought that she was Muslim. The woman told them that she was Jewish. The article in Le Point goes on to say that her statement that she was Jewish "only redoubled the anger of her attackers." They called her "dirty Jewess" [sale Juive], hit her on the head, causing her to fall down. Worse yet, a supermarket guard wtinessed the attack and did nothing to help the woman. He explained that he respected Ramadan and was in a hurry to leave so that he could eat at sundown

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