Sunday, May 23, 2010

Another American Jew Who Is "West Bank" Crazy

No, not one of those right-wing Brooklyn born types.


I just find it so hard to comprehend to thinking and perceptions of those on the Left.

Here's something from a Ha-Ha-Haaretz profile on an American Reform Jew who supports Meretz and who know acts as counsel for Arabs in Bil'in:-

In Jerusalem she discovered the hidden world, for her at least, of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In those days, before the second intifada, she found a common language with Meretz activists on the Mount Scopus campus. "I met my first Palestinian friend then, Sari Abu-Ziad, the oldest son of Ziad Abu-Ziad, who was a minister in the Palestinian government then. He told me about his childhood, what a checkpoint was, what it meant to feel like you're living in a prison, what it's like to be an Arabic-speaker in Israel, how frightened he was. He studied at the Hebrew University. This was before the 1999 election. We gave out stickers that said 'With Barak There's Hope.' We believed that things could change. That year I plunged deep into the conflict, and it broke my heart."

Yes, Arabs of Judea, Samaria and Gaza have had a difficult time. Checkpoints, feelings as if you are in a prison, speaking Arabic, etc.

I won't even go into the security reality but just ask Ms. Emily Schaefer:

So, you met this subjugated and oppressed Arab where?

At the Hebrew Univeristy?

A student, right?

Wow, that Israel - so bad.

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