Tuesday, April 20, 2010

She's So Incontinent

She has this to say about Judaism/Jewishness:-

“I personally don’t have religion, but I’m Jewish in the ways I can’t — and don’t want to — escape. Ethnically, culturally, it oozes out of me,” Silverman said. “Susan, my rabbi sister, has, of course, embraced it in every part of her life. We are different, but not that different.”

And she had this early childhood experience:-

At age 13, she started to experience depression and was sent to a psychiatrist who had hanged himself the day of her appointment and was discovered while she was in the waiting room. Soon after, a doctor prescribed Silverman 16 Xanax a day, and at one point she didn’t go to high school for two months. She eventually got better, and in 1988 she headed to New York University, but dropped out after a year to do comedy.

Yes, Sarah Silverman (see from Jan. 2007).

Her autobiography.

For grownups only.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah Silverman's pigtails 'n hipster racism routine has already been chronicled extensively, but New York Magazine's Will Leitch summarizes it well:

    Audiences see Sarah Silverman and assume she's a nice Jewish girl, but oy! The trash she talks! She is the joke. The confusion over whether she's exploiting stereotypes or puncturing them is what gets her into trouble.
