Friday, October 30, 2009

Integral Spiritual Experience

I was invited to attend this event:-

Imagine lying on your death bed and looking back over your life, remembering all of the wonderful things you’ve done and all of the challenges you’ve faced. The exhilaration, the friends, the love, the triumphs, the traumas …

Can you imagine looking back on the awesome, life-changing spiritual journey you took each year for five years on the Pacific Coast of California with a group of loving friends from around the globe, where you learned, loved and celebrated each New Year as a symbolic renewal of the amazing life you’d been given?

Now is the time for you to make a commitment to that life, to this journey …

Explore the 5-year journey here!

Integral Spiritual Experience has been designed as a circular 5 year journey that moves from the deeply personal in year 1, proceeds through the universal in year 3, and returns back again to the personal in year 5. Each year ends with the foundation lain for the following year, and the entire 5 year process recapitulates the dialectical arc of human spiritual exploration and practice itself.

Year 1: The Personal Spiritual Journey – Your Unique Self
Year 2: The Universal Spiritual Journey – Evolutionary Spirituality
Year 3: The Understanding of Spirit – Religion, Science and Mystery
Year 4: The Experience of Spirit – Practicing the Three Faces of God
Year 5: Living as Spirit – Sacred Activism and Service

Wow, a five year commitment - or investment.

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