Saturday, January 31, 2009

On the Speigel Report on the Supposed "Settlements Built On private Land"

the Haaretz report [was defined] as “political” and “nothing new.” total, the settlements are built on 6 percent of the West Bank land, and that the issue of private land ownership is “complicated,” given the different administrations of the West Bank going back to the Ottoman Empire, the British mandate, Jordan and now Israel.

Israeli officials add that some Palestinians sold their land to Jews but cannot admit it for fear of being labeled collaborators, while others have no papers to prove ownership of the land they claim.


1 comment:

  1. I see again, the whole world is telling lies and Israel makes excuses.

    "Much of the world views all Israeli construction in the territories that were conquered in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war as a violation of international law."

    "What emerged was a pattern of building violations, not only in the unauthorized outposts that have sprung up in recent years, but also in many of the established towns and villages deemed “official” by Israel that make up the cream of the settlement building."
