Saturday, January 31, 2009

J-Street Jammed

Shmuel Rosner blogs on J-Street

During the Gaza War, James Kirchick argued (correctly) that J Street — “the political arm of the pro-Israel, pro-peace movement” — can’t claim to represent a silent American Jewish majority:

. . . J Street has the right to its extreme leftist, capitulationist opinions, but it does not have the right to claim, as Ben-Ami once did, that it represents the “broad, sensible mainstream of pro-Israel American Jews.” J Street doesn’t even represent the views of left-wing Israelis.

James later proved that there’s no basis to J Street’s alleged “broadness.” But for those who are not yet convinced, a poll was published yesterday by the Anti-Defamation League (The Marttila Communications Group, margin of error +/-4.9%) on “Jewish American Attitudes on the Gaza Crisis.”

The results: 81% of Jewish Americans believe that Hamas was responsible for the crisis (J Street was trying to lay the blame on both Israel and Hamas. As they put it, there were “elements of truth on both sides of this gaping divide”). 94% sympathize more with Israel (J Street: “there is nothing to be gained from debating which injustice is greater or came first”). And most important: 79% believe that Israel’s use of force was appropriate (J Street: “there is nothing ‘right’ in punishing a million and a half already-suffering Gazans for the actions of the extremists among them”). Case closed.


  1. What i see is that majority thinks that the prospects for peace has WORSENED. And jet the majority approved the attacks. Isn't there a broken link in this logic?

  2. Galia, why don't you shut the hell up and listen for a minute; you might learn something.

    Israelis want to walk down the street without being interrupted by an Code Red alarm punctuated by an explosion. Israelis want to sunbathe, or learn Torah, or buy eggs, or ride bicycles, or go to Pilates or any of the things you take for granted, without worrying that the bus ride home is going to be their last, or that the next time the phone rings it isn't going to be someone telling them that their little boy was killed in his nursery school today.

    And anyone who seeks to restrict our rights to do so will be dealt with as severely as possible. We're sick and tired of trying it 'your' way. All we have are broken promises and dead bodies to show for it.

    War and peace are so trite, I won't even dignify your question with an answer. What I will say is that Israel uses its military force to dispel the chaos around it.

    Now grow up. Listening to you bang your sippy cup on your highchair tray is irritating.

  3. Haha, your attitude only shows how helpless you really feel.
    Kind of feel sorry for you
