Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Basking in Baskin's Idiocy

Areas such as Sur Baher, near Kibbutz Ramat Rahel; Jabel Mukaber just past East Talpiot; Sawahre, an Area A Palestinian village near Bethlehem; Walajeh, between Gilo and Bethlehem; and Um Tuba, which is next to Sur Baher, all have no meaning to Israelis.

So writes Gershon Baskin.

What idiocy.

Up until 1861, when Mishkenot Sha'anaim was built, no Jerusalemite Jew lived outside the Old City walls. They lived inside the walls because they were afriad of brigandy and murder. So, on the one hand, Jews didn't, too often, visit the surrounding Arab villages but on the other, as soon as they had the money, the opportunity and any other wherewithal, they purchased property in and around Jerusalem. And they did so all over, north, south, west and east. The demographic majority of Arabs didn't concern them.

Jerusalem and Eretz Yisrael are the capital and the homeland of the Jewish People. In a decade ot two, Jews, hopefully, will continue to come to Jerusalem and the population will grow. We cannot stop this "now" and freeze it forever. This wasn't done in 1640, 1740, 1840 or 1940.

The Jews are coming home.

The Arabs can benefit from this reality and promise or they can fight it.

We Jews surely cannot compromise on it.

1 comment:

  1. And by the way, the residents of Sur Bahir are Israeli citizens. I have several friends there who are very happy to be Israeli citizens and don't want it any other way (same with friends on the Mt. of Olives in A-Tur)!
