Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A Good Read

My wife left this on the computer.

It's a great read.

So, go read it.


  1. I didn't know that that kapo rabbi was orhto trained. Is he still Orhto or did he go to a higher paying conservative pulpit.
    Also I never knew any other frumie to be involved with peace now

  2. who do the religious studentsat UCLA goto- seidler feller or Rabbi Dovid Gurevich

  3. You never heard of Netivot Shalom - all orthodox for Peace Now?

  4. You never heard of Netivot Shalom - all orthodox for Peace Now?

  5. just went to their web site. with 500 members,they are surely 2 standard deviations from the mean.
    But your right , there are some ortho blogs outthere that act like court jews for peace now and yoffie

  6. Actually the only people I have ever known to be American friends for peace now were totally non observant intermarried leftist types who claim Jewishness to give cr to that kapo org.
