Monday, June 12, 2006

What A Difference a Substitution Makes

This was a great exercise:-

Instead of acknowledging the reality of the Arab-Muslim world as a broken civilization, ( ) Muslims tend to indulge instead in blaming others for [their] ills; deflecting [their] responsibilities for failures that have become breeding grounds of violence and terrorism.

[Muslim] intellectuals in public life and our religious leaders in mosques remain adept in double-speak, saying contrary things in English or French and then in Arabic or Farsi or Urdu.

[Muslims] have made hypocrisy an art, and have spun for [themselves] a web of lies that blinds us to the real world around [them].

[Muslims] seethe with grievances and resentment against the West, even as [they] have prospered in the freedom and security of Western democracies.

[Muslims] have inculcated into [their] children false pride, and given them a sense of history that crumbles under critical scrutiny.

[Muslims] preach tolerance yet [they] are intolerant. [Muslims] demand inclusion, yet practise exclusion of gender, of minorities, of those with whom [they] disagree.

[Muslims] repeat endlessly that Islam is a religion of peace, yet too many of [them] display conduct contrary to what [they] profess.

Actually, the above was composed by a Muslim, Salim Mansur, and it appears here, from the Toronto Star.

I just extricated the words "we", "us", "our", etc. and made the appropriate substitutions.

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