Thursday, May 18, 2006

Opus Vey

Here it is.

Here is "what"?

Try this on:-

Funnier than Da Vinci and much better for Tom Hanks' Hair

The Davinsky Code

By Jeff Dunetz

The story of a 2,000 year-old scroll and a secretive society that continues to operate within Jewry

Almost 2000 years ago, a clandestine society was formed in what is now Iran. Since it was created, the group, called Opus Vey, has operated as a kind of shadow Sanhedrin, debating and creating revisions to Jewish law. Today the group still exists, run by direct descendants of the founders who set up the Society.

I found out about Opus Vey when some friends sent me copies of recently uncovered documents from the group. These documents talk about the group's goals while naming some of its very prominent members. The documents were found in the wreckage of an abandoned supermarket in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, buried beneath aisle 4 (frozen foods).

The papers were written by three of the groups most famous members: Morris Davinsky the renowned painter, who once covered an entire Brooklyn townhouse in only two days and with just one coat of paint; Melvin Adler the author of the prize-winning winning novel, "Fear of Flayshik;" and Barbara Joan, the famous singer and political activist, who has created four Christmas albums that have gone platinum.

Continue reading here, (if you haven't yet gone there).

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