Friday, April 21, 2006


From today's NYTimes:-

JERUSALEM, April 20 — The new Palestinian interior minister from Hamas named a well-known militant to a senior security position on Thursday and announced the creation of a force to be made up of militants.

The Palestinian interior minister, Siad Siam, a Hamas leader, said the militant Jamal Abu Samhadana would be a senior supervisor in the ministry, which oversees several Palestinian security branches, including the police.

Mr. Samhadana was a lieutenant colonel in the Palestinian security forces before the latest Palestinian uprising began in 2000. But he left his post and has been best known in recent years as the leader of the Popular Resistance Committees, made up of militants from various factions, including Hamas.

Okay, as my veteran readers kniow, we've been through this substitution of the term 'militant' for the real word: terrorist.

What's odd here is that the article goes on on specificates just what a 'militant' does:-

The Popular Resistance Committees have claimed responsibility for many of the recent rocket attacks from the Gaza Srip into southern Israel. The group is also believed to be linked to the 2003 bombing in northern Gaza that killed three American security officers as they were escorting American diplomats to meetings in Gaza. The Palestinian Authority has not charged or tried anyone for the bombing, and the United States has criticized the Palestinians for their handling of the case.

Hey, we know that when Jews are terrorized, that that doesn't linguistically count.

But Americans? Why weren't those security personnel killed by terrorists?

How far does politically-correct (that's a euphemism) liberalism go?

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