Thursday, April 06, 2006

Even Amira Hass Knows

As I and others have been saying for years, territorial withdrawal has one major problem.

Arabs who term themselves "Palestinians" do not accept any "Israeli/Zionist" presence anywhere in "their" territory. Hamas is not extreme in this conviction (see here, especially Article 11).

So, along comes Amira Hass and writes thisagainst the idea of Olmert that Israel can diminutate [that's a new word I fashioned] unilaterally and without agreement and that the Arabs will be agreeable to this solution:-

But the invisible Palestinians see and feel...

...That is an illusion - like the illusion that reigned at the time of Oslo - that the Palestinians would accept the expansion of the settlements...The convergence plan, which coagulates the violence of occupation in densely populated Palestinian areas, will bring forth and intensify three types of Palestinian rage: national rage due to the sabotage of the Palestinian project for a state, development and independence; economic rage of the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who lost their land, property and livelihood to the Jews who prosper on the other side of the barbed wire; and religious rage, of those who turn for solace to the Koran and Allah, where they can find explanations stating that's the way Jews are.

The supporters of convergence and its architects are deceiving themselves by thinking that all these forms of rage won't burst out, or that it will always be possible to suppress them. Indeed, it is difficult to predict when and how the rage will erupt, but sooner or later, they will be back disrupting the dreams of comfort and convenience at the expense of another nation.

Hass, of course, is deceiving herself into thinking that any two-state solution will be amenable to these Arabs.

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